Herramientas de Accesibilidad
Psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) can transmit the phloem restricted bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (Lso). In Europe, Lso causes severe losses to carrot and represents a threat to the potato industry. A rising concern is Lso transmission from carrot to potato and within potato, and this has driven the need for monitoring populations of psyllid species which could serve as vectors on both crops. This would provide a fundamental understanding of the epidemiology of Lso. Different sampling methods were used to survey populations of psyllid species in commercial carrot and potato fields in central and eastern mainland Spain from 2015 to 2017. Two psyllid species, Bactericera trigonica and Bactericera nigricornis were found on carrot and potato crops. In carrot fields the most abundant species was B. trigonica (occurring from crop emergence to harvest); whereas in potato crops the most abundant psyllid species was B. nigricornis. Depending on field location, the maximum psyllid populations occurred between June and October. Since B. nigricornis was found on both carrot and potato and is the only psyllid species able to feed and reproduce on both these crops in Europe, there is the potential risk of Lso transmission from carrot to potato.
Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a disorder associated with an increased risk for the development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Lower isometric handgrip strength (HGS) is associated with an increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases. However, the association between HGS and arterial stiffness parameters, which are considered the predictors of morbidity and mortality in individuals with MetS, is not well defined. Objective: To determine the association between HGS and HGS asymmetry on components of vascular function in adults with MetS. Methods: We measured handgrip strength normalized to bodyweight (HGS/kg), HGS asymmetry, body composition, blood glucose, lipid profile, blood pressure, pulse wave velocity (PWV), reflection coefficient (RC), augmentation index @75 bpm (AIx@75) and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) in 55 adults with a diagnosis of MetS between 25 and 54 years old. Results: Mean age was 43.1 ± 7.0 years, 56.3% were females. HGS/kg was negatively correlated with AIx@75 (r = −0.440), p < 0.05, but these associations were not significant after adjusting for age and sex. However, when interaction effects between sex, HGS/kg and age were examined, we observed an inverse relationship between HGS/kg and AIx@75 in the older adults in the sample, whereas in the younger adults, a weak direct association was found. We also found a significant association between HGS asymmetry and PVR (beta = 30, 95% CI = 7.02; 54.2; p <0.012). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that in people with MetS, maintaining muscle strength may have an increasingly important role in older age in the attenuation of age-related increases in AIx@75—a marker of vascular stiffness—and that a higher HGS asymmetry could be associated with a greater vascular resistance.
Introduction: We know of no studies on the microsporogenesis of the cocoa plant, and little is known about the ultrastructure of its pollen grains. Objective: To describe microsporogenesis and ultrastructure of pollen grains in T. cacao. Methods: We processed over 30 flowers for each floral stage and stained with Safranin-Alcian Blue, PASAmidoblack and Lacmoid. For transmission microscopy we processed samples on resin and stained with toluidine blue. For scanning electron microscopy, we fixed and dehydrated in 2.2-dimethoxypropane, critically dried and coated with gold. Results: Anthers differentiated by a cellular mass at the ends distal to the staminal filaments. During development, the anther wall has several cellular layers reduced, at maturity, to the epidermis and endothecium. Microspore mother cells divide by meiosis to form tetrads. The tapetum is secretory and intact until the grains are released, to later degenerate. Pollen grains are isopolar, spheroidal, small, tricolpate. Ultrastructure has a semi-tectate sporodermis, with reticulate ornamentation, and heterobrochated reticulum with the muri without ornamentation. Exine is deposited before intine. The orbicles are individual, smooth, and varied in size. There is abundant pollenkitt on the tectum and between the columellae. The intine is thin, but develops widely in the colpus areas, forming a compact internal intine and an unusual external intine with a columellated appearance. Conclusion: Anther structure and development follows the angiosperm pattern. Simultaneous microsporogenesis and centripetal deposition of the sporodermis are known from Malvaceae, but intine characters are novel for the family.
Revista de Biologia Tropical
Background: The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare professionals has been widely studied, along with different strategies to minimize it. However, professionals’ assessment of the social support received and the factors that mitigated their fear of contagion have not been described. This study aimed to assess healthcare professionals’ satisfaction with the social support and information received and their efforts to self-isolate to avoid infecting loved ones in Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey, conducted from July to September 2020 in three Latin American countries, elicited healthcare professionals’ satisfaction with social support from colleagues, their community, the media, and scientific societies; as well as the information received about the evolution of the pandemic and measures to avoid contagion. The EASE scale was used to measure acute stress. Results: Survey responses were received from 700 professionals. The response rate per country exceeded the estimated sample size except in the case of Colombia, which was 81.4%. In general, peer support was highly valued, though satisfaction was lower in high-risk units (p < 0.001). Those who directly assisted COVID-19 patients perceived the least community support (p = 0.023). Professionals from high-risk units (p = 0.013) and those who experienced greater acute stress (p = 0.05) assigned the lowest rating to the information offered by the centre on the pandemic. Men perceived more support from colleagues and better information from the centre than women (p < 0.05). Just 10.7% of professionals changed their residence during the pandemic, but those who worked in high-risk areas self-isolated more frequently (p = 0.026). Conclusion: In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals in Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador greatly valued the support received from their peers. Being infected with COVID-19, working in high-risk areas, experiencing higher self-reported acute stress, and having an infected co-worker were predictors for self-isolation to protect their relatives. These results point to the appropriateness of putting in place institutional resources based on peer support and specific communication strategies and action protocols to build resilience and responsiveness to future health crises.
Frontiers in Psychology
Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) in Cúcuta -Colombia, have a comparatively high burden of disease associated with high public health costs. However, little is known about the epidemiology of these diseases in the city and its distribution within suburban areas. This study addresses this gap by estimating and mapping the risk of ARI in Cúcuta and identifying the most relevant risk factors. Methods: A spatial epidemiological analysis was designed to investigate the association of sociodemographic and environmental risk factors with the rate of ambulatory consultations of ARI in urban sections of Cúcuta, 2018. The ARI rate was calculated using a method for spatial estimation of disease rates. A Bayesian spatial model was implemented using the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation approach and the Besag-York-Mollié specification. The risk of ARI per urban section and the hotspots of higher risk were also estimated and mapped. Results: A higher risk of IRA was found in central, south, north and west areas of Cúcuta after adjusting for sociodemographic and environmental factors, and taking into consideration the spatial distribution of the city’s urban sections. An increase of one unit in the percentage of population younger than 15 years; the Index of Multidimensional Poverty and the rate of ARI in the migrant population was associated with a 1.08 (1.06—1.1); 1.04 (1.01—1.08) and 1.25 (1.22—1.27) increase of the ARI rate, respectively. Twenty-four urban sections were identified as hotspots of risk in central, south, north and west areas in Cucuta. Conclusion: Sociodemographic factors and their spatial patterns are determinants of acute respiratory infections in Cúcuta. Bayesian spatial hierarchical models can be used to estimate and map the risk of these infections in suburban areas of large cities in Colombia. The methods of this study can be used globally to identify suburban areas and or specific communities at risk to support the implementation of prevention strategies and decision-making in the public and private health sectors.
BMC Public Health
Candida tropicalis is one of the most pathogenic species within the genus. Increased antifungal resistance has been reported, which is in part due to the organism’s ability to form biofilms. In natural products derived from plants, such as essential oils (EOs) or their major components, there is significant potential to develop new antifungals or to both enhance the efficacy and reduce the toxicity of conventional antifungals. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of combining an EO of Lippia origanoides or thymol with fluconazole on an azole-resistant C. tropicalis strain. Synergism was observed in the combination of fluconazole with the EO and with thymol, and minimal inhibitory concentrations for fluconazole decreased at least 32-fold. As a consequence of the synergistic interactions, mitochondrial membrane potential was reduced, and mitochondrial superoxide production increased. Alteration in nuclear morphology, cell surface, and ultrastructure was also observed. In conclusion, the synergistic interaction between L. origanoides EO or thymol with fluconazole reverted the azole-resistant C. tropicalis phenotype. These findings suggest that L. origanoides EO or thymol alone, or in combination with fluconazole, have the potential for development as antifungal therapies for this yeast, including resistant strains.
Journal of Fungi
Morbidity statistics can be reported as grouped data for health services rather than for individual residence area, especially in low-middle income countries. Although such reports can support some evidence-based decisions, these are of limited use if the geographical distribution of morbidity cannot be identified. This study estimates the spatial rate of Acute respiratory infections (ARI) in census districts in Cúcuta -Colombia, using an analysis of the spatial distribution of health services providers. The spatial scope (geographical area of influence) of each health service was established from their spatial distribution and the population covered. Three levels of spatial aggregation were established considering the spatial scope of primary, intermediate and tertiary health services providers. The ARI cases per census district were then calculated and mapped using the distribution of cases per health services provider and the proportion of population per district in each level respectively. Hotspots of risk were identified using the Local Moran’s I statistic. There were 98 health services providers that attended 8994, 18,450 and 91,025 ARI cases in spatial levels 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Higher spatial rates of ARI were found in districts in central south; northwest and northeast; and southwest Cúcuta with hotspots of risk found in central and central south and west and northwest Cucuta. The method used allowed overcoming the limitations of health data lacking area of residence information to implementing epidemiological analyses to identify at risk communities. This methodology can be used in socioeconomic contexts where geographic identifiers are not attached to health statistics.
The creole breed Blanco Orejinegro (Bos taurus adapted) is an important animal genetic resource in Colombia. However, very little is known about the reproductive physiology of the breed. The objective was to determine the dynamics of progesterone circulation and follicular growth in Blanco Orejinegro cows throughout the estrous cycle. Fifteen cyclic Blanco Orejinegro cows were used and subjected to hormonal protocol for estrous and ovulation synchronization. Once the time of ovulation was identified by monitoring the ovarian dynamics with ultrasonography equipment. For description of the results, the mean was used as a measure of central tendency and the standard error of the mean. Statistical analysis was longitudinal descriptive. Blood samples were collected every 24 hr throughout the estrous cycle for serum quantification of progesterone (P4), monitoring of corpus luteum (CL) growth dynamics and follicular dynamics. It was possible to verify that 76.92% of the Blanco Orejinegro cows presented two follicular waves during the estrous cycle and the highest circulating levels of P4 (> 6.00 ng mL-1) were observed on the 14th day of the estrous cycle. It was concluded that the creole cows of the Blanco Orejinegro breed presented two follicular waves per estrous cycle. In addition to, the size of the CL was consistent with the secretion of progesterone presenting higher circulating levels at the end of the luteal phase.
Veterinary Research Forum
Austrian syndrome corresponds to the triad of meningitis, pneumonia, and endocarditis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, there is no global or local incidence given the infrequency of entity. Scarce cases are published in Latin America, with none of them in Colombia. A case of Austrian syndrome by penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae in an immunocompetent patient is presented. Aortic valve is the most frequent site involved in Austrian syndrome; this patient had an unusual localization of the vegetation on the right coronary artery ostium. The prognosis is poor with a mortality rate of 30% or higher, this patient survived despite systemic complications. Vaccination status impacts in prevention and severity of cases because responsible serotypes are often included in available vaccines. The patient had a serotype covered by available vaccines; however, her vaccination status was unknown. Thus, we present the first case reported in Colombia of Austrian syndrome by a penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae, in a patient with no identified comorbidities or toxicological history, with a successful evolution.
Thoracic Research and Practice
Purpose: The aim of this study was to optimize the immunoresponsive and anti-Candida albicans (C. albicans) properties of guided bone regeneration-resorbable membranes (collagen) using additives based on synergistic mixtures of chlorhexidine with terpene-enriched fractions from Lippia alba essential oils (EO). Methods: The anti-C. albicans activity of the fractions (individually or combined with chlorhexidine) was evaluated using planktonic and sessile cultures. J774A.1 murine macrophage cells were used to determine the cytotoxicity and immunoresponsive effects of the therapies. Results: The anti-planktonic and anti-sessile performance of chlorhexidine on C. albicans was improved 2-to 4-fold by supplementation with citral-rich fractions. On macrophages, this fraction also exhibited a potentially cytoprotective action against the toxic effects of chlorhexidine, minimiz-ing damage to the cell membrane, mitochondrial membrane potential, and nuclear integrity. Macrophages growing on collagen-membrane frag-ments and stimulated with the citral fraction (alone or with chlorhexidine) showed a significant increase in releasing the osteogenic cytokine TNF-α and enhancing the IL-4. Conclusion: This combined therapy appears as a promising platform for the development of a prophylactic or therapeutic biocidal solution that can optimize the pharmacological characteristics of chlorhexidine (epithelium tolerance and anti-C. albicans consolidation on surfaces), as well as poten-tiating the immunoresponsive properties of collagen membranes.
Journal of Oral Science
This study aimed to determine the within- and between-session reliability of ankle mechanics and vertical ground reaction forces (vGRF) during jump landings in turned-out and parallel foot positions in professional ballet dancers. Twenty-four professional ballet dancers (men = 13, women = 11) attended two data collection sessions where they completed five maximal countermovement jumps in each foot position. The ankle joint mechanics and vGRF of the right limb were recorded via a seven-camera motion capture system and one force platform. Within- and between-session intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), coefficients of variation (CV), standard error of measurement, and minimal detectable change were calculated for three-dimensional ankle excursion, peak ankle angle, ankle joint velocity, moment, and power, as well as peak landing vGRF, time to peak landing vGRF, loading rate, and jump height. Across both foot positions, within- (ICC: 0.17–0.96; CV: 1.4–82.3%) and between-session (ICC: 0.02–0.98; CV:1.3–57.1%) reliability ranged from poor to excellent, with ankle excursion, peak ankle angle, and jump height demonstrating the greatest ICC values (ICC: 0.65–0.96; CV: 1.4–57%). Jump landings in a turned-out foot position demonstrated better within-session reliability compared to a parallel position, however, no difference in between-session reliability across the foot positions was observed. Most ankle mechanics provide adequate between-session, but not within-session, reliability during jump landings in professional ballet dancers.
Journal of Biomechanics
This work studies the fermentation kinetics to produce mead using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, selected from three commercial yeasts to generate a product with better organoleptic characteristics and greater acceptance by a group of untrained tasters. The values of the kinetic parameters of the fermentation were obtained from a series of fermentations at laboratory scale, maintaining constant the initial concentration of biomass (1.5 g/L), the operating temperature (33 °C) and the pH (4) and varying the initial soluble solids concentration in four values (10, 16, 22 and 25 °Brix). Based on the experimental results, a mathematical modeling was developed to estimate the variables of interest. Thus, from the application of the Monod model, the saturation constant (Ks) of 336.6 g/L was obtained, with a maximum specific growth rate ((Formula presented.)) of 0.071 h−1. Using the integrated logistic model, the experimental values were adjusted to obtain the average value of (Formula presented.) of 0.0815 h−1. Finally, the maximum ethanol production rate (rpm) of 0.2621 g/L was obtained through the modified Gompertz model. Therefore, Monod, integrated logistic and modified Gompertz models were ideal mathematical tools to interpret the kinetic behavior of honey fermentations, predict and control this process, both on a laboratory scale and on a subsequent industrial scale. Thus, contributing to the knowledge of the dynamic behavior of mead production and its level of technological development.
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
This study explores the socio-political, economic and educational context in which the Instituto Colombiano de Crédito Educativo y Estudios Técnicos en el Exterior (Colombian Institute of Educational Credit and Technical Studies Abroad) was created. Studying the historical conditions allows us to answer the questions of why and how this institution arose in Colombia. Based on the Foucauldian assumptions on genealogy and the conditions of possibility, the study of this institution proposes its emergence to be an effect of several elements, which are approached critically. To this end, the article is divided into two sections wherein the idea of the creation of the Institute and the experiences it went through are analysed, to then deal with the materialisation of this idea in relation to the conditions of the Colombian environment.
Cogent Social Sciences
Polymer composites and nanocomposites have a wide range of applications in materials science and biomedicine, where both structural and functional requirements must be met. Conventional design approaches to synthesize and optimize these materials are mostly experimentally oriented. One step forward is to link experiments through a concrete design scheme to address key processes and validation of results. Recent advances in computational modeling and simulation driven by quantum computing and artificial intelligence have led to changes in the rational design of such versatile materials, enabling a deeper understanding of material formulation and behavior. Along the remarkable progress in computational materials engineering, the development of hybrid and multiscale approaches supported by machine learning algorithms is clearly a fruitful area of research. These approaches possess invaluable potential for exploring and predicting the behavior of polymer nanocomposites, discovering optimal materials and processes, and optimizing existing ones. This chapter aims to provide an overview of the computational approaches that support the experimental design of a variety of polymer nanocomposites and promote their performance evaluation in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. The focus is on the models, algorithms and methods proposed to facilitate the exploration of polymer nanocomposite design and synthesis and the prediction of soft material behavior. These will greatly expand the portfolio of in silico methods applied to these types of materials.
In-Silico Approaches to Macromolecular Chemistry
The objective of the current study was to determine the performance of creole cows of the Chino Santandereano breed in the ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration technique (OPU) and the quality of oocytes recovered. A total of 15 multiparous cows were selected from a herd located in the department of Santander with tropical climate. The cows were submitted to 5 sessions of follicular aspiration with an interval of 45 days. In each aspiration session, 7.9 ± 0.7 oocytes were recovered per cow, with a recovery rate of 64.9% ± 0.5 and a rate of viable and non-viable oocytes of 64.3% ± 0.6 and 35.7% ± 0.7, respectively. A difference (P < 0.05) in oocyte quality was presented for grades I, II and III (7.7 ± 0.4, 19.8 ± 0.5 and 36.8 ± 0.5, respectively). The results suggest that Chino Santandereano cows submitted to the OPU technique have a higher percentage of grade III oocytes recovered.
Animal Biotechnology
In bovine in vitro embryo production (IVP), FSH has been used to improve the quality and developmental capacity of oocytes to reach the blastocyst stage. The objective of this study was to evaluate in Bos taurus indicus heifers the effect of FSH incorporated in Pluronic® F127 on the quality of oocytes collected by follic-ular aspiration. A total of 30 cyclic Brahman heifers were selected and assigned into one of three experimental groups (control group, FSH-SC and FSH-PF127). Heifers in the FSH-SC group received a single dose of 50 mg FSH subcutaneously and heifers in the FSH-PF127 group were treated with 50 mg FSH incorporated in Pluronic® F127. The rate of viable oocytes was higher for the FSH-PF127 group compared to the control and FSH-SC groups. The administration of a single dose of 50 mg of FSH in Pluronic® F127 influenced the oocyte quality and the rate of viable oocytes of Brahman breed heifers.
Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research
Aims Elevated body mass index (BMI) is an important cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The population-level impact of pharmacologic strategies to mitigate the risk of CVD conferred by the metabolic consequences of an elevated BMI is not well described. Methods We conducted an analysis of 145 986 participants (mean age 50 years, 58% women) from 21 high-, middle-, and low-in- and results come countries in the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study who had no history of cancer, ischaemic heart disease, heart failure, or stroke. We evaluated whether the hazards of CVD (myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, or cardiovascular death) differed among those taking a cardiovascular medication (n = 29 174; including blood pressure-lowering, blood glucose-lowering, cholesterol-lowering, or anti-thrombotic medications) vs. those not taking a cardiovascular medication (n = 116 812) during 10.2 years of follow-up. Cox proportional hazard models with the community as a shared frailty were constructed by adjusting age, sex, education, geographic region, physical activity, tobacco, and alcohol use. We observed 7928 (5.4%) CVD events and 9863 (6.8%) deaths. Cardiovascular medication use was associated with different hazards of CVD (interaction P, 0.0001) and death (interaction P = 0.0020) as compared with no cardiovascular medication use. Among those not taking a cardiovascular medication, as compared with those with BMI 20 to,25 kg/m2, the hazard ratio (HR) [95% confidence interval (95% CI)] for CVD were, respectively, 1.14 (1.06–1.23); 1.45 (1.30–1.61); and 1.53 (1.28–1.82) among those with BMI 25 to,30 kg/m2; 30 to,35 kg/m2; and ≥35 kg/m2. However, among those taking a cardiovascular medication, the HR (95% CI) for CVD were, respectively, 0.79 (0.72–0.87); 0.90 (0.79–1.01); and 1.14 (0.98–1.33). Among those not taking a cardiovascular medication, the respective HR (95% CI) for death were 0.93 (0.87–1.00); 1.03 (0.93–1.15); and 1.44 (1.24–1.67) among those with BMI 25 to,30 kg/m2; 30 to,35 kg/m2; and ≥35 kg/m2. However, among those taking a cardiovascular medication, the respective HR (95% CI) for death were 0.77 (0.69–0.84); 0.88 (0.78–0.99); and 1.12 (0.96–1.30). Blood pressure-lowering medications accounted for the largest population attributable benefit of cardiovascular medications. Conclusion To the extent that CVD risk among those with an elevated BMI is related to hypertension, diabetes, and an elevated thrombotic milieu, targeting these pathways pharmacologically may represent an important complementary means of reducing the CVD burden caused by an elevated BMI.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
Rapid horizontal accelerations and decelerations are crucial events enabling the changes of velocity and direction integral to sports involving random intermittent multi-directional movements. However, relative to horizontal acceleration, there have been considerably fewer scientific investigations into the biomechanical and neuromuscular demands of horizontal deceleration and the qualities underpinning horizontal deceleration performance. Accordingly, the aims of this review article are to: (1) conduct an evidence-based review of the biomechanical demands of horizontal deceleration and (2) identify biomechanical and neuromuscular performance determinants of horizontal deceleration, with the aim of outlining relevant performance implications for random intermittent multi-directional sports. We highlight that horizontal decelerations have a unique ground reaction force profile, characterised by high-impact peak forces and loading rates. The highest magnitude of these forces occurs during the early stance phase (< 50 ms) and is shown to be up to 2.7 times greater than those seen during the first steps of a maximal horizontal acceleration. As such, inability for either limb to tolerate these forces may result in a diminished ability to brake, subsequently reducing deceleration capacity, and increasing vulnerability to excessive forces that could heighten injury risk and severity of muscle damage. Two factors are highlighted as especially important for enhancing horizontal deceleration ability: (1) braking force control and (2) braking force attenuation. Whilst various eccentric strength qualities have been reported to be important for achieving these purposes, the potential importance of concentric, isometric and reactive strength, in addition to an enhanced technical ability to apply braking force is also highlighted. Last, the review provides recommended research directions to enhance future understanding of horizontal deceleration ability.
Sports Medicine
The Strategic Assessment of Risk and Risk Tolerance (StARRT) framework has been instrumental in the way practitioners view return-to-sport (RTS) decision-making.1 2 According to the framework, RTS decisions should be based on the practitioner\'s risk assessment of outcome, involving an athlete\'s estimated risk compared with their risk tolerance within the particular context. Activity risk assessment is the second step in the StARRT framework, synthesising information relevant to the expected cumulative stresses placed on the injured tissue/structure(s). Several important factors are included in this assessment, but what is not listed is the athlete\'s sports-specific training capacity. This represents an athlete\'s overall ability to cope with diverse demands of training and competition imposed by their ecosystem and perform at the required level. It is perhaps the most ecologically important consideration since it encapsulates the \'actual\' demands and requirements of the athlete\'s sport and their level of participation.3-5 While the importance of monitoring training load in rehabilitation has been established,6 7 we emphasise that sufficient consideration has not been given to the role of the athlete\'s sports-specific training capacity in decision-making throughout the RTS continuum.5 8.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Hippocampal dopamine D1/D5 receptor-dependent destabilization is necessary for object recognition memory (ORM) updating through reconsolidation. Dopamine also regulates hippocampal theta and gamma oscillations, which are involved in novelty and memory processing. We found that, in adult male rats, ORM recall in the presence of a novel object, but not in the presence of a familiar one, triggers hippocampal theta-gamma coupling. Hippocampal theta-gamma coupling (hPAC) does not happen when ORM destabilization is prevented by blocking D1/D5 receptors, but artificial hPAC generation during recall in the presence of a familiar object enables the amnesic effect of reconsolidation inhibitors. Therefore, hPAC controls ORM destabilization, and its modulation could increase reconsolidation-based psychotherapy efficacy.
Learning and Memory
The anti-La mab 312B, which was established by hybridoma technology from human-La transgenic mice after adoptive transfer of anti-human La T cells, immunoprecipitates both native eukaryotic human and murine La protein. Therefore, it represents a true anti-La autoantibody. During maturation, the anti-La mab 312B acquired somatic hypermutations (SHMs) which resulted in the replacement of four aa in the complementarity determining regions (CDR) and seven aa in the framework regions. The recombinant derivative of the anti-La mab 312B in which all the SHMs were corrected to the germline sequence failed to recognize the La antigen. We therefore wanted to learn which SHM(s) is (are) responsible for anti-La autoreactivity. Humanization of the 312B ab by grafting its CDR regions to a human Ig backbone confirms that the CDR sequences are mainly responsible for anti-La autoreactivity. Finally, we identified that a single amino acid replacement (D > Y) in the germline sequence of the CDR3 region of the heavy chain of the anti-La mab 312B is sufficient for anti-La autoreactivity.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Background: Dietary guidelines recommend limiting red meat intake because it is a major source of medium- and long-chain SFAs and is presumed to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Evidence of an association between unprocessed red meat intake and CVD is inconsistent. Objective: The study aimed to assess the association of unprocessed red meat, poultry, and processed meat intake with mortality and major CVD. Methods: The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study is a cohort of 134,297 individuals enrolled from 21 low-, middle-, and high-income countries. Food intake was recorded using country-specific validated FFQs. The primary outcomes were total mortality and major CVD. HRs were estimated using multivariable Cox frailty models with random intercepts. Results: In the PURE study, during 9.5 y of follow-up, we recorded 7789 deaths and 6976 CVD events. Higher unprocessed red meat intake (≥250 g/wk vs. <50 g/wk) was not significantly associated with total mortality (HR: 0.93; 95% CI: 0.85, 1.02; P-trend = 0.14) or major CVD (HR: 1.01; 95% CI: 0.92, 1.11; P-trend = 0.72). Similarly, no association was observed between poultry intake and health outcomes. Higher intake of processed meat (≥150 g/wk vs. 0 g/wk) was associated with higher risk of total mortality (HR: 1.51; 95% CI: 1.08, 2.10; P-trend = 0.009) and major CVD (HR: 1.46; 95% CI: 1.08, 1.98; P-trend = 0.004). Conclusions: In a large multinational prospective study, we did not find significant associations between unprocessed red meat and poultry intake and mortality or major CVD. Conversely, a higher intake of processed meat was associated with a higher risk of mortality and major CVD.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska
Hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus are two important risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular diseases worldwide. In Latin America, hypertension prevalence varies from 30 to 50%. Moreover, the proportion of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension is very low. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus varies from 8 to 13% and around 40% of patients are un-aware of their condition. In addition, the prevalence of prediabetes varies from 6 to 14% and this condition has also been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. The principal factors linked to a higher risk of hypertension in Latin America are increased adiposity, low muscle strength, unhealthy diet, low physical activity and low education. Besides being chronic condi-tions, leading causes of cardiovascular mortality, both hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus, represent a substantial cost for the weak health systems of Latin American countries. Therefore, it is necessary to implement and reinforce public health programs to improve awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus, in order to reach the mandate of the United Nations to decrease the premature mortality for CVD.
Current Hypertension Reviews
Universidad de Santander UDES. Vigilada Mineducación.
Resolución otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional: No. 6216 del 22 de diciembre de 2005 / Personería Jurídica 810 de 12/03/96.
Institución sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución 12220 de 2016.
Notificaciones administrativas y judiciales:
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