Herramientas de Accesibilidad
The treatment of water by coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation, is a highly realized treatment throughout the world, and the most commonly used coagulant substances are aluminum sulphate, aluminum polychloride and ferric chloride; these substances produce a large quantity of sludge with high aluminum and iron salts, the production of these coagulants is carried out by complex chemical reactions, which demand a large amount of natural resources and produce sludge with high concentrations of these metals, and has shown that aluminum is toxic to plants and animals in different ways; This study shows the comparison of efficiencies between aluminum sulphate and a chickpea extract, which shows a very important coagulant activity. The turbidity and color removal efficiency were evaluated using an anionic coagulant obtained from Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) with an isoelectric point at pH of 3,7, its performance being compared with aluminum sulphate, for the treatment of synthetic water. Laboratory-scale synthetic solutions were prepared at initial values of 200 NTU. Parameters such as turbidity, color, pH and conductivity were measured. The Jar test was used to determine the optimal doses of coagulants, using 70, 80, 90 and 100 mg / L doses for the anionic coagulant and 60, 70, 80 and 90 doses of aluminum sulphate mg / l. The highest removal of turbidity and color was for the anionic coagulant with 98% and 94.71% with a dose of 90 mg / L and in the case of aluminum sulphate values of turbidity removal of 97.5% and of Color of 93.94% with the same dose, respectively. For the tests performed values were obtained within the range established by current Colombian legislation. It was concluded that the anionic coagulant can be used as a primary coagulant.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
The postmenopausal condition is characterized by a systematic increase in cardiovascular risk factors, including negative alterations in lipid metabolism. Physical exercise has shown beneficial effects in the regulation of lipemic markers in different populations; however, its effects are not well understood in postmenopausal women.The aim of the study was to determine the effects of resisted exercises (RE), concurrent exercises (CE), compared with a control group (CG) on lipid profile in postmenopausal women. Thirty-two voluntary postmenopausal women were randomly assigned into three groups; one group performed a RE session (n = 11), other group a CE session (n = 11) and control group performed flexibility exercises (n = 10). The basal lipid profile, body composition, muscular fitness were evaluated and the basal metabolic rate (BMR) was calculated before the study. The lipid profile was evaluated before, immediately after and 12 hours after the specific exercise session. The results showed that there was no a statistical significant difference among all groups in plasma concentration of total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL, in any of the evaluation moments (p> 0.05). After 12 hours of exercise session, the CE group decreased more VLDL concentrations than the RE group and control group (p <0.05).The CE group increased significantly HDL concentrations in relation to the ER group (p <0.05).Therefore, it can be concluded that CE had more favorable acute effects on lipid metabolism than ER, prolonging its effect up to 12 hours after being performed in overweight postmenopausal women.
Archivos de Medicina del Deporte
Objective. To evaluate the effect of the \"Caring for Caregivers\" program in the caring ability and burden in family caregivers of patients with chronic diseases at health care institutions. Methods. A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in 34 relatives of patients with chronic diseases that had cared for them for more than 3 months. Zarit scale was used to measure caregiver burden and the CAI (Caring Ability Inventory) was also used to measure caring ability. An educational intervention was applied based on the \"Caring for Caregivers\" strategy of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Results. Although both groups improved their percentage of unburdened caregivers from the first to the second assessment, the difference between the two assessments was 41.2% in the intervention group whereas it was 11.8% in the control group, being only statistically significant the difference for the intervention group. Regarding the caring ability, no significant changes were identified in both groups. Conclusion. On family caregivers, it was observed that the \"Caring for Caregivers\" intervention had a positive impact on decreasing burden, but not on improving the caring ability.
Investigacion y Educacion en Enfermeria
The objective of this study was to design an instrument to identify personal and didactic characteristics used by teachers in the training of entrepreneurs. The instrument was validated through a pilot test applied to 52 faculty teachers. The content was validated through the judgment of expert professionals. The reliability of the instrument was estimated using the Cronbach\'s Alpha coefficient. This test reports a reliability of 0.88. Additionally, factorial analysis was performed to verify the dimensionality of the proposed instrument and the item analyzed. The instrument obtains a result of 0.958 for the index Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO). In this way, the percentage of the total variance explained corresponds to 99.88%. The instrument structure was made up by 28 items, using a Likert scale. The data collection instrument presented in this paper provides a tool for the development of programs for entrepreneurship trainers and, consequently, contributes to the development of entrepreneurial attitudes in students, through the teaching practice.
Formacion Universitaria
The aim of this study was to determine the percentage of sensitivity or resistance of strains of E. coli isolated from asymptomatic broiler chicken against 18 common antibiotics used in poultry and in human medicine. In addition, strains that produce extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) from a farm or slaughterhouses in the poultry area of Santander, Colombia. The circulation of strains resistant to beta-lactams, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, quinolones and sulfonamides was determined, as well as antibiotics widely used in other non-farm environments. The content of the bursa of Fabricius was cultivated in McConkey agar obtaining 46 strains of E. coli. Susceptibility tests (n=18) were conducted to the isolated strains, and 91% of the strains were resistant to ampicillin and 80% to cephalosporins. The association of antibiotics with beta-lactamase inhibitors (ampicillin sulbactam and amoxicillin / clavulanic acid) showed 30% resistance. The double disc test was used to evaluate the presence of strains of E. coli producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) confirming its presence in 63% of the samples. Results showed the presence of E. coli strains in asymptomatic chicken broilers with high antimicrobial resistance, including expression of ESBL.
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
Human leptospirosis is an infection that most often affects tropical countries. Since 2007, Colombia requires the notification of disease cases, enabling the observation of an increase in cases in recent years. The objectives of this article were to analyze environmental and socioeconomic variables and to evaluate their relationship with human leptospirosis cases. This is an ecological study on human leptospirosis cases aggregated by municipality and reported between 2007 and 2016. Spatial aggregation assessment was made using the Getis-Ord Gi method, and negative binomial regression was used to evaluate the relationship between environmental and socioeconomic variables with hu-man leptospirosis. During the study period, 9,928 cases of human leptospirosis were reported, and 58.9% of municipalities reported at least one case. Four hotspots of human leptospirosis, including 18 municipalities, were identified. The results of the negative binomial model confirmed the importance of the effects of education, poverty and some climatic variables on the decadal incidence rate of human leptospirosis. Our results confirm the importance of socioeconomic determinants such as social marginality associated with violence and education, as well as ecological variables such as rainfall, height above sea level and forest coverage on the incidence rate of human leptospirosis at municipal scale.
Cadernos de Saude Publica
One of the main challenges related to the renewable energy labour market is that of human capital and as a consequence the educational profile of future employees is of paramount importance. Unfortunately, the skill level gained at University does not always fit with the practical needs of industry thus reducing the benefit-cost ratio of new employees and slowing down the transition to a green economy. Within this context, \'The Crux\' project co-funded by EU under the framework of the Erasmus + programme aims at improving the renewable energy engineering curriculum at different university levels in several Universities of Latin America and Europe. In order to better appreciate the potential impact of the project, a survey on the labour market need for specialists with enhanced knowledge and skills in renewable and sustainable energy technologies has been conducted in the related EU and Latin America countries. More precisely, 60 organizations have been interviewed and almost 70% of them are interested in employing engineers with enhanced knowledge on renewable energy in the next three years. The analysis has shown significant discrepancies between EU and Latin American organizations. In fact, while future employees in EU countries will be mainly related to solar energy and management, the former together with wind and biomass will represent the main renewable energy working sector in Latin American countries. Moreover, MSc level will be the most demanded in EU while bachelor education seems to satisfy the future industry requirements in Latin America. Despite each country having its own needs, the research carried out under this EU project confirms the potential of renewable energy education on the global labour market in the near future.
Energy Procedia
This article draws on the National Athletic Games of 1941 made in Bucaramanga and seeks to show how some leaders and members of municipal, departmental administration and locals newspapers extolled this event as the element capable of promoting progress, develop the city, as they say, it had happened in other cities that had organized the event. However, with the passage of time, the lack of administrative and organizational did not stop the games, although this did not prevent the games take place was not possible to achieve than thought to start, carry out a process of urban modernization in the city.
Bitacora Urbano Territorial
A research was done of the infection dynamics of the protozoan parasite Cystoisospora suis in lactating piglets at an intensive swine pilot farm in Venezuela. Over a 12-mo period (September 2015 to August 2016), 480 fecal samples were collected directly from the rectum in piglets in four age groups: 1-7 d (20 %); 8-14 d (47 %); 15-21 d (23 %); and 22-28 d (10 %). Stool samples were cultured in a 2.5% potassium dichromate solution and later processed by centrifugation-flotation. Cystoisospora suis was present throughout the study period with a 52.08 % overall average prevalence; values were highest in the second week of life. Meteorological variables (temperature, relative humidity and precipitation) had no effect (P>0.05) on variations in C. suis prevalence. Data from an epidemiological questionnaire were analyzed with a Spearman correlation test, identifying an association (P<0.05) between prevalence and the variables of on-site veterinarian, an intense disinfection protocol and use of 5% Baycox. Regional meteorological conditions are optimal for C. suis sporulation and year round maintenance of oocysts. This coupled with inconsistent control and hygiene protocols at the studied farm favored parasite survival and proliferation.
Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias
Objective: To evaluate the joint association of sodium and potassium urinary excretion (as surrogate measures of intake) with cardiovascular events and mortality, in the context of current World Health Organization recommendations for daily intake (<2.0 g sodium, >3.5 g potassium) in adults. Design: International prospective cohort study. Setting: 18 high, middle, and low income countries, sampled from urban and rural communities. Participants: 103 570 people who provided morning fasting urine samples. Main outcome measures: Association of estimated 24 hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion (surrogates for intake) with all cause mortality and major cardiovascular events, using multivariable Cox regression. A six category variable for joint sodium and potassium was generated: sodium excretion (low (<3 g/day), moderate (3-5 g/day), and high (>5 g/day) sodium intakes) by potassium excretion (greater/equal or less than median 2.1 g/day). Results: Mean estimated sodium and potassium urinary excretion were 4.93 g/day and 2.12 g/day, respectively. After a median follow-up of 8.2 years, 7884 (6.1%) participants had died or experienced a major cardiovascular event. Increasing urinary sodium excretion was positively associated with increasing potassium excretion (unadjusted r=0.34), and only 0.002% had a concomitant urinary excretion of <2.0 g/day of sodium and >3.5 g/day of potassium. A J-shaped association was observed of sodium excretion and inverse association of potassium excretion with death and cardiovascular events. For joint sodium and potassium excretion categories, the lowest risk of death and cardiovascular events occurred in the group with moderate sodium excretion (3-5 g/day) and higher potassium excretion (21.9% of cohort). Compared with this reference group, the combinations of low potassium with low sodium excretion (hazard ratio 1.23, 1.11 to 1.37; 7.4% of cohort) and low potassium with high sodium excretion (1.21, 1.11 to 1.32; 13.8% of cohort) were associated with the highest risk, followed by low sodium excretion (1.19, 1.02 to 1.38; 3.3% of cohort) and high sodium excretion (1.10, 1.02 to 1.18; 29.6% of cohort) among those with potassium excretion greater than the median. Higher potassium excretion attenuated the increased cardiovascular risk associated with high sodium excretion (P for interaction=0.007). Conclusions: These findings suggest that the simultaneous target of low sodium intake (<2 g/day) with high potassium intake (>3.5 g/day) is extremely uncommon. Combined moderate sodium intake (3-5 g/day) with high potassium intake is associated with the lowest risk of mortality and cardiovascular events.
From the interest of the universities and Professional Associations of Physiotherapists in Colombia, the conditions of work and health of the professionals were determined. A total of 180 physiotherapists graduated from universities in the northeast from Colombia answered an electronic survey. The findings showed the need to strengthen the advanced training, the professional associations and the political exercise of the physiotherapists at national level, both public and private decision-making areas, trying to strengthen the professional recognition.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Aim: The study was conducted to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal (GI) parasites in cattle and sheep from three municipalities in the Colombian Northeastern Mountain. Materials and Methods: Overall, 200 fecal samples were collected directly from the rectum in cattle and sheep. The presence of helminths eggs and coccidial oocysts in fecal samples was detected using McMaster and Dennis techniques. Identification of eggs or oocysts was done on the basis of morphology and size of the eggs or oocysts. Results: The global prevalence of GI parasites was 56.3%. Regarding the prevalence by municipalities, there was no statistical association (p>0.05), indicating that the prevalence was similar in the three municipalities. The prevalence of parasitic infection was higher in sheep (63%) as compared to that of cattle (50.5%), but the difference was nonsignificant (p>0.05). The most prevalent parasites were Eimeria spp., Fasciola hepatica, and Strongylida order. Regarding the results for Eimeria spp., different degrees of positivity were observed, but there was no statistical association (p>0.05) with respect to the age group. Likewise, there was no statistical association (p>0.05) between the prevalence for Strongylida order and F. hepatica with respect to the age group. Conclusion: Cattle and sheep in Colombian Northeastern Mountain were infected with helminths and coccidia. The prevalence values of GI parasites were moderate in both species warranting treatment. The presence of F. hepatica represents a risk factor to health public. Future studies are required to evaluate the parasitic dynamics throughout the year and the impact on animal production.
Veterinary World
Bibliometrics is the application of quantitative models and methods for the understanding of research disciplines. The main concepts that are applied within the development of this type of analysis are associated to the analysis of networks and include the links, number of links and force of link within the networks of co-occurrence, co-citation, co-authorship and bibliographic links. Under these concepts and in order to visualize the evolution of human-computer interaction (HCI), a bibliometric analysis of the published literature is developed in order to know the characteristics of this body of knowledge and its development over time, understanding the evolution and trends within the research disciplines requires the combination of methods and tools that guarantee equality and replicability within these exercises. In that context, this article implements analysis is based on a systematic and exhaustive search strategy of the evolution of the HCI literature, using a combination of quantitative methods, which includes a quality analysis for the delimitation of the simple analysis of the identified publications.
RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
Background: Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm (BIE) occurs in 70 % to 80 % of asthmatics and its occurrence is more frequent at the end of a session of physical exercise, mainly of vigorous intensity. Objective: To evaluate the acute effect of moderate-intensity physical exercise on spirometric variables in asthmatic subjects. Methodology: A before-and-after type quasi-experi-mental design. Ten subjects were included (mean age = 23 ± 4 years), which were divided into two groups: five asthmatic subjects and five healthy subjects. Both groups performed 10 min of warm-up, 20 min of treadmill exercise at an intensity of 60 % of the Heart Rate Reserve, and a final cool-down of 5 minutes. Lung function was assessed before and 15 minutes after exercise. Results: There were statistically significant differences between groups (with asthma = 6 % vs. without asthma =-1 %, p = 0.03) in the pre-post-exercise changes of the ratio of the forced expiratory volume in one second and the forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC). The multivariate analysis showed that post-exercise FVC in subjects with asthma was significantly lower than in subjects without asthma, after adjusting for the baseline assessment and total body mass. Conclusion: Moderate-intensity exercise on a treadmill did not shows clinically significant differences on the changes pre-post exercise of the studied spirometric variables, since the changes on FEV1 or FVC did not exceed 10 % having as reference the baseline evaluation.
It is report research of a graduated of Master\'s Degree in Education at University of Caldas, advised by a professor of the research group GRAVATE of the Virtual Campus at University of Santander, obtaining meritorious distinction by the jury. The quasiexperimental research \"Virtual classroom in a Moodle environment to strengthen the reading competence of fifth grade students\", showed significant improvement in the reading competence in students that are accompanied by the \"Todos a Aprender\" program.
Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Background: Microsporum spp. are keratinophilic dermatophytes that mainly invade the stratum corneum of the skin and hair causing clinical symptoms associated with tinea. Its treatment has several limitations, and the search for new active molecules is necessary. Objective: To evaluate the antifungal and cytotoxic potential of Eugenia caryophyllus essential oil (EO), eugenol, isoeugenol and methylisoeugenol against Microsporum canis, M. gypseum and Vero cells. Methods: The EO was extracted by conventional heating-assisted hydrodistillation, the eugenol obtained commercially and the derivatives through Williamson synthesis. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MICs), minimum fungicidal concentration, inhibition of radial mycelial growth and germination inhibition were used to evaluate the antifungal activity. In addition, a colorimetric test was conducted to evaluate cytotoxic activity. Results: MIC and MFC values for all compounds were 62.5-500 μg/mL for both of the species of Microsporum evaluated. Also, concentrations of 300 μg/mL of the compounds inhibited 100% of M. canis mycelium. The inhibition of germination was observed after 6 hours of treatment (11.86 ± 3.46-85.31 ± 0%). No cytotoxicity was observed in Vero cells (CC50 > 105 μg/mL), whereas terbinafine showed CC50 31.00 ± 0.61 μg/mL. Conclusions: Our study indicates an interesting bioactivity of isoeugenol and methylisoeugenol against M. canis, M. gypseum and mammalian cells.
Objective: To determine the incidence and the factors associated with delirium in intensive care unit patients. Methods: A cohort study conducted on 134 patients in the intensive care unit at a clinic in Bucaramanga, Colombia., who were recruited in the first 24 hours following admission and on whom the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS), PRE-DELIRIC version in Spanish, and Confusion Assessment method for Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) were applied; the outcome was evaluated through daily monitoring with CAM-ICU. Results: The incidence of delirium was 20.2%, the predominating type was hypoactive at 66.7%, followed by the hyperactive type at 7.4% and mixed at 25.9%. Fifty-two percent of the patients with delirium died. In the bivariate analysis, the use of sedatives (Relative Risk(RR) 2.4, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 1.2-4.5), infection (RR = 2. 8, 95% CI=1.3-5.9), metabolic acidosis (RR = 4 3, 95% CI=2.3-8.0), mechanical ventilation (RR = 4 6, 95% CI=2.0-10.6), aged over 60 years (RR = 2 3, 95% CI=1.09-5.3) and APACHE score greater than 14 (RR = 3. 0) (95% CI=1.1-8.2) were identified as risk factors for delirium. The multivariate analysis only found a relationship with infection (RR = 3 8, 95% CI=1.6-9.1) and being aged over 60 years (RR = 3 2, 95% CI 1.2-8.3). Conclusions: delirium is frequent in patients in the intensive care unit, especially the hypoactive type. Half of the patients with delirium died. The main risk factors for delirium are infection and being over 60 years age, therefore, delirium prevention activities should focus on these critical patients.
Enfermeria Intensiva
Preeclampsia is a disorder specific of the human being that appears after 20 weeks of pregnancy, characterized by new onset of hypertension and proteinuria. Abnormal placentation and reduced placental perfusion associated to impaired trophoblast invasion and alteration in the compliance of uterine spiral arteries are the early pathological findings that are present before the clinical manifestations of preeclampsia. Later on, the endothelial and vascular dysfunction responsible of the characteristic vasoconstriction of preeclampsia appear. Different nutritional risk factors such as a maternal deficit in the intake of calcium, protein, vitamins and essential fatty acids, have been shown to play a role in the genesis of preeclampsia, but also an excess of weight gain during pregnancy or a pre-pregnancy state of obesity and overweight, which are associated to hyperinsulinism, insulin resistance and maternal systemic inflammation, are proposed as one of the mechanism that conduce to endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, proteinuria, thrombotic responses, multi-organ damage, and high maternal mortality and morbidity. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that pregnant women that suffer preeclampsia will have an increased risk of future cardiovascular disease and related mortality in their later life. In this article we will discuss the results of studies performed in different populations that have shown an interrelationship between obesity and overweight with the presence of preeclampsia. Moreover, we will review some of the common mechanisms that explain this interrelationship, particularly the alterations in the L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway as a crucial mechanism that is common to obesity, preeclampsia and cardiovascular diseases.
Frontiers in Physiology
Background: Gastric Cancer is highly prevalent and deadly worldwide. In Colombia, it is the most lethal form of cancer. Some single-nucleotide polymorphisms in IL-10, IL-4, and IL-4Rα genes have been associated with an anti-inflammatory environment and a Th2 profile in detriment of the antitumor Th1 response. This research sought to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms in promoter sequences, like - 1082 (G/A), - 592 (C/A), and - 819 (C/T), as well as - 590 (C/T) of the IL-10 and IL-4 genes, respectively; in addition to the IL-4Rα mutation variants, Ile50Val and Q576R, together with circulating levels of IL-4, TNF-α, IL-10, and IFN-γ in patients with gastric carcinoma in Cúcuta, Colombia. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 17 patients and 30 healthy individuals were genotyped for the six polymorphisms mentioned through PCR-RFLP of DNA obtained from peripheral blood cells and serum samples were analyzed by sandwich ELISA to quantify cytokines. Statistical difference between groups was determined along with the association between the presence of polymorphisms and the risk of gastric cancer, as well as the mortality in patients, using Mann-Whitney U test and logistic regression analysis, respectively. Results: An association between the - 1082 (G/A) and the risk of gastric cancer was found (OR = 7.58, range 0.77-74.06, P = 0.08). Furthermore, patients had a significant increase in IL-4 serum levels (P < 0.01) compared to healthy individuals, both variables showed a higher estimated risk of mortality in patients, although without statistical association (P > 0.05). Conclusion: We infer that two possible biomarkers (one immunological and one genetic) could be considered in association with gastric cancer in our population, which should be confirmed by subsequent studies involving a greater number of individuals.
BMC Gastroenterology
A software product that implements a hybrid metric was developed. It articulates relevant characteristics of three estimation metrics in Communication and Information Technology (CIT) development projects: (i) history points, (ii) use case points, (iii) function points; as a planning strategy to control problems in software projects that tend to last longer than expected and generate higher costs. The Software product provides tools for making estimates based on expert judgments, planning poker and analogies with other projects that apply to agile projects. A descriptive statistical method was used in the first phase and an analytical method in the second phase. The analysis process is accomplished through the development of a Web application, used in the planning process of software projects in the Systems Engineering program of the Francisco de Paula Santander University. The article describes the characteristics implemented in each metric and its articulation process for the development of estimates. EstimaSoft is obtained as a result, as a support tool in the estimation of projects, in the identification of development trends, through the documentation of lessons learned.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Radio frequency identification technology allows remote information to be obtained through radio waves between two or more objects. This technology is based on a tag that is attached to the back of the elements, it contains the information of the Fixed Assets and emits radio signals that are sent to a server to enter that information into a database that is housed in an application and from there take a control. This project manages to develop a system of inventory of fixed assets in the laboratory of biochemistry of the University of Santander, Bucaramanga headquarters using RFID technology (radiofrequency identification) through passive tags that work at ultra-high frequencies (UHF) purpose, reduce costs, time and make the inventory process more efficient, it also allows a traceability of Fixed assets, avoiding losses and allowing a better control of them.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
A methodological proposal is designed for the planning of the scope, time and cost that strengthens the management of the projects developed by the services companies of Cúcuta and its metropolitan area. In the first phase, a descriptive study was carried out based on a maturity diagnosis which included the relevant tools to measure the culture in the planning of the scope, time and cost of the projects, which was validated by experts in PMI and applied in thirty companies to the officers who are in charge of the management of the projects. The second stage consisted in the selection of fifteen tools and techniques of the scope, time and cost management of the PMBOK Guide applicable in the methodological proposal according to the diagnosis. Finally, methodological guidelines for project management were designed in four social services companies, technology and computer science and civil constructions in which the tools defined in the proposal were incorporated, which will become guidelines for the execution of the projects guaranteeing the fulfilling of the deliverables, in the estimated time and with the assigned budget.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
A collective project was developed to build research agendas for academic programs; as a prospective strategy to prioritize areas of action, use of resources and institutional capacities in a relationship between the university and the productive sectors of the region, from the development of intervention and study strategies, in 11 training scenarios. A collaborative and interdisciplinary methodology in the analysis of documents related to development, science and technology, allowed identifying common productive sectors of interinstitutional interest for the development of engineering programs of Systems and Industrial Engineering, analyzing their performance, good practices in research, technological surveillance of research centers, prioritize emerging thematic areas, build research intervention strategies and generate project profiles. The strategy gives greater relevance to the training of professionals, establishes a path of knowledge construction in areas of interest; that immersed in the curriculum plan; allow articulating research units in framework projects by research lines. The article presents significant aspects of the methodological route in the construction of these agendas, focused on two academic programs of the faculty of engineering.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Universidad de Santander UDES. Vigilada Mineducación.
Resolución otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional: No. 6216 del 22 de diciembre de 2005 / Personería Jurídica 810 de 12/03/96.
Institución sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución 12220 de 2016.
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