Herramientas de Accesibilidad
Ornamental Angel fish (Pterophyllum scalare) is one of the main commercialized species from South America, with an important number of national and international dealers. Objective: To make a histological and morphometric description of P. scalare digestive tract. Methods: Nineteen adult individuals were used. Intestinal coefficient values were obtained, and a macroscopic and microscopic description of esophagus, stomach, and intestine (anterior, middle and posterior) was carried out. Samples were processed for paraffin embedding, and 5 µm sections were stained with H&E and P.A.S. Positive P.A.S. cells were counted. Lumen area and tissue area were measured in representative digitalized sections from each region. Results: P. scalare exhibited a short esophagus, followed by a blind bag shaped, scarcely muscular stomach, and a short intestine (intestinal coefficient 1.66 +/-0.52). Four constitutive tissue layers were identi-fied: mucosa, submucosa, muscular and in some areas also a serosa layer. Esophagus exhibit abundant globet P.A.S. + cells and shows the larger tisular area was observed. Luminal area and perimeter are larger in anterior intestinal region. Conclusions: the intestinal coefficient value (1.66 +/-0.52), and the histological and morphometric characteristics of the evaluated organs, suggest that P. scalare is omnivorous with soft prey preferences.
Revista de Biologia Tropical
Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1+) patients with a CD4:CD8 ratio < 1 presents a higher risk of morbidity and mortality due to not-associated AIDS events. The aim was to explore, in the selected population, sociodemographic and clinical variables, based on that ratio, because it is more in-formative than LT CD4+ and LT CD8+ by themselves. Materials and Methods: Observational, in HIV-1 infected patients attended at Biological Research Corporation. In 227 patients, age differences, LT CD4+ count, viral load, number and type of treatments were evaluated. The patients were divided in group A with a CD4:CD8 ratio equal or above to 1, and B bellow 1. Results: The study includes 71% of male and 29% of female. 22,5% were from group A and 77,5% from B. The mean of age was 42,8 years old in A and 45,3 years old in B (p=0,176). 100% of individuals from group A receive treatment, meanwhile 97,7% in B. Mean of LT CD4+ count was 772,4 cell/µL in A and 448,1 cell/µL in B (p=0,00001). In A, 90,2% had undetectable viral load vs 68,8% in B (p=0,002). 41,2% in A had only one type of treatment, vs 43,8% in B (p=0,744). Conclusion: Most of the patients had a CD4:CD8 ratio bellow to 1, despite an acceptable count of LTCD4++. To find a ratio bellow 1 in patients without an adequa-te virological control was more frequent. More studies to determinate variables associated with its normalization are required.
Objective To analyze the relationship between the level and domains of physical activity in school children from 9 to 12 years of public educational institutions of the Municipality of Los Patios, Cucuta, 2017, based on the information obtained through the questionnaire PAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for children). Methods Descriptive, transversal and analytical study. With a sample of 777 schoolchildren, a proportional stratified sampling was carried out. Consent and informed consent were signed, then the PAQ-C questionnaire was applied. Results 50,3% of schoolchildren are girls; 44% present a moderately active level, the free time domain has a greater degree of association with a correlation coefficient of 0,65 and is significant at a level of 0,01, followed by the household domain with a correlation coefficient of 0,617 and the school role 0,502. Conclusions It was determined that the level of physical activity of school children is moderately active and that it decreases with age, we can say that boys are more active than girls, in addition, there is a direct correlation between the domains and the general level of activity physical.
Revista de Salud Publica
Objective To analyze the relationship between social factors in health with the functioning profile of people with disabilities in the municipality of Los Patios, Norte de Santander. Method A sample of 246 people with a type of disability in the municipality Los Patios, Norte de Santander, under intentional non-probabilistic selection, were studied using the Registry for the Location and Characterization of Persons with Disabilities (RLPCD) and the functioning profile of people with disabilities (CIF) to identify the social determinants of health and the functioning profile, and determine their relationship. Results The sample was characterized by a higher percentage of men with disabilities (60.2%), in relation to women (39.8%), members in socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3 and age groups between 5 and 93 years old, with a high percentage that does not receive any type of income (79.2%). The main disabilities identified were mobility and the degree of functioning located between no deficiency and moderate deficiency with a relationship of dependence with the social determinants of health. Conclusions The study shows an evident relationship between the social determinants and the functioning profile of people with disabilities. Gender, level of education, income and socioeconomic status are elements that determine the degree of functionality of people with disabilities. It is fundamental, in the development of public policies aimed at the well-being of this type of population, that these factors are considered to ensure success in the implementation of appropriate policies.
Revista de Salud Publica
Introduction. In 2018, lung cancer ranked first worldwide in both incidence and mortality with 2.0 and 1.8 million cases respectively. In addition, in the last four years, it ranked fourth in prevalence, with 2.1 million cases per year. Objective. To determine tobacco dependence and motivation to quit in a sample of university students through standardized tests and semi-structured interviews. Materials and methods. This is a mixed, cross-sectional study. Fagerström and Richmond tests were used to evaluate nicotine dependence and cessation. Results. There is no relationship between the degree of motivation for smoking cessation and the level of dependence. The subjects presented a doubtful level of tobacco cessation despite being in a very low dependency. The family and social factor becomes a promoter of dependence and initiation. Conclusion. A low motivation for quitting consumption is identified, therefore, it is necessary to promote interventions aimed at tobacco care.
Revista Lasallista de Investigacion
Introduction: There are few studies concerning the morpho-anatomical and histochemical alterations caused by powdery mildew in H. macrophylla leaves in the scientific literature. Objective: To describe and analyze anatomical and histochemical aspects of this pathosystem. Methods: More than 90 leaves of H. macrophylla (both healthy and infected leaves by powdery mildew) were collected in the nursery El Jardín del Eden, Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia. To carry out the identification of the mycopatho-gen, sections were stained with Lactophenol Blue, and contrasted with specialized taxonomic keys. Transverse fragments 1 cm thick were fixed in a mixture of formalin, alcohol, and acetic acid. These were subsequently dehydrated using an ethanol series, clarified in Xylene, and finally embedded in Paraplast plus® to obtain 5 µm sections. Schiff’s periodic acid reaction (PAS) was used to detect structural and reserve polysaccharides, Ruthenium Red for pectins, Ponseau S and Lacmoid for callose, ferric chloride for polyphenols, Sudan Black for lipids and Uvitex 2B-Hematoxylin for chitin. The sections were observed using a Nikon 80i eclipse® pho-ton microscope, with Uvitex 2B-Hematoxylin-stained sections examined by epifluorescence using a UV-2A filter. For the observation and description of the samples by scanning electron microscopy, healthy and infected leaves were fixed and dehydrated in 100 % methanol, critical point dried, and coated with gold. Results: H. macrophylla leaves are isobilateral and homobaric, with adaxial and abaxial epidermis of a single cellular layer. The palisade parenchyma consists of a layer of short cells, while the spongy parenchyma forms 6 to 7 cellular layers. All vascular bundles in the leaf blade are closed collaterals. Abundant idioblasts with raphides may be observed in the mesophyll, and starch is the main reserve carbohydrate present in the tissues. The leaves are hypostomatic and exhibit a paracytic pattern of superficial stomata which possess large substomatal cavities. The morphological data observed indicate that the mycopathogen is related to the genus Erysiphe. The epidermal cells affected by the pathogen exhibit thickened walls, granular cytoplasm, and papillae or cell wall appositions in the outer periclinal walls. With the deterioration of the epidermis, the underlying tissues are affected and become necrotic. Histochemical test indicate that infected plants thicken and reinforce their epidermal cell walls with primary wall materials; primarily cutin, pectins, and callose. When stained with Sudan Black, the presence of dark-colored agglomerates in the cytoplasm of epidermal cells may be related to plant defense mechanisms; and those observed in mesophilic cells to the disorganization of membrane systems. Polyphenols accumulate in the cytoplasm of infected epidermal cells. The fungal material present in epidermal tissues was clearly differenti-ated when stained with fluorochrome to detect chitin. Conclusions: Species of the genus Erysiphe are causative agents of powdery mildew in H. macrophylla. Necrosis of the epidermal cells is observed in response to the mycopathogen, possibly due to hypersensitive response.
Revista de Biologia Tropical
Introduction: Cassava Manihot esculenta (Crantz) is a perennial shrub native to South America that is an essential source of carbohydrates for more than 600 million people in tropical countries. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe and compare the leaf blade anatomy of ten genotypes of cassava. Methods: The methodology for anatomical descriptions was processed and 30 leaves of each of the varieties were included and sectioned according to paraffin impregnation protocols. Results: The results showed that the leaf blade anatomical structure of all the varieties in general terms show differences. All varieties had monostratified epidermis, leaf mesophyll consisted of a palisade parenchyma in a single layer and multiple layers of spongy parenchyma. Polyphenolic idioblasts were observed immersed in the palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma. Between 3-7 xylem ribs with their respective phloem were found in the midrib in almost all varieties. Trichomes were only found in two varieties (NAT31-ECU72) and leaves were all hipostomatic. Conclusions: The results reveal that NAT31 is the material with the most anatomically marked differences (i.e. presence of trichomes, papillary cell, and, on the adaxial face, special provision in the arrangement of stomata and epicuticle wax patterns), characteristics that might be related to pest resistance.
Revista de Biologia Tropical
Introduction: Leukemia constitutes a complex group of haemopathies, which due to their etiology, pathogenesis and mortality, can be considered a public health problem. Its early detection allows for timely remission for confirmation of the diagnosis and early start of treatment. Objective: To describe the sanguineous cellularity in a population with presence of blasts in peripheral blood coming from different regions of Colombia during the year 2017. Methods: A descriptive study, type case series. Hemograms and peripheral blood smears from patients with blast presence or a presumptive diagnosis of leukemia were analyzed in five cities of Colombia, all of whom met the inclusion criteria. Results: 39 patients with presence of de novo blasts from Cúcuta 48.7%, Valledupar 33.3%, Tunja 10.3%, Socorro 5.1% and Villavicencio 2.6% were found. All the individuals were affiliated to the Colombian healthcare system. Fifty four percent of the subjects were female, with an average age of 44.2 years for men and 32.5 for women. Seventy six percent of the patients presented moderate to severe leukocytosis and 69.2% neutropenia. Ninety-five percent had anemia, 51% hypochromia and 38% microcytes, 74% presented thrombocytopenia and 15% macroplates. Conclusions: These findings are a match to those found in the literature, as for the predominance of the disease by age and sex. Anemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are a set of characteristics that remain constant in patients with leukemia.
Revista gaucha de enfermagem
The Lancet Commission on Hypertension identified that a key action to address the worldwide burden of high blood pressure (BP) was to improve the quality of BP measurements by using BP devices that have been validated for accuracy. Currently, there are over 3 000 commercially available BP devices, but many do not have published data on accuracy testing according to established scientific standards. This problem is enabled through weak or absent regulations that allow clearance of devices for commercial use without formal validation. In addition, new BP technologies have emerged (e.g. cuffless sensors) for which there is no scientific consensus regarding BP measurement accuracy standards. Altogether, these issues contribute to the widespread availability of clinic and home BP devices with limited or uncertain accuracy, leading to inappropriate hypertension diagnosis, management and drug treatment on a global scale. The most significant problems relating to the accuracy of BP devices can be resolved by the regulatory requirement for mandatory independent validation of BP devices according to the universally-accepted International Organization for Standardization Standard. This is a primary recommendation for which there is an urgent international need. Other key recommendations are development of validation standards specifically for new BP technologies and online lists of accurate devices that are accessible to consumers and health professionals. Recommendations are aligned with WHO policies on medical devices and universal healthcare. Adherence to recommendations would increase the global availability of accurate BP devices and result in better diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, thus decreasing the worldwide burden from high BP.
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health
Directed evolution methods mimic in vitro Darwinian evolution, inducing random mutations and selective pressure in genes to obtain proteins with enhanced characteristics. These techniques are developed using trial-and-error testing at an experimental level with a high degree of uncertainty. Therefore, in silico modeling of directed evolution is required to support experimental assays. Several in silico approaches have reproduced directed evolution, using statistical, thermodynamic, and kinetic models in an attempt to recreate experimental conditions. Likewise, optimization techniques using heuristic models have been used to understand and find the best scenarios of directed evolution. Our study uses an in silico model named HeurIstics DirecteD EvolutioN, which is based on a genetic algorithm designed to generate chimeric libraries from 2 parental genes, cry11Aa and cry11Ba, of Bacillus thuringiensis. These genes encode crystal-shaped δ-endotoxins with 3 conserved domains. Cry11 toxins are of biotechnological interest because they have shown to be effective as biopesticides for disease-spreading vectors. With our heuristic model, we considered experimental parameters such as DNA fragmentation length, number of generations or simulation cycles, and mutation rate, to get characteristics of Cry11 chimeric libraries such as percentage of population identity, truncation of variants obtained from the presence of internal stop codons, percentage of thermodynamic diversity, and stability of variants. Our study allowed us to focus on experimental conditions that may be useful for the design of in vitro and in silico experiments of directed evolution with Cry toxins of 3 conserved domains. Furthermore, we obtained in silico libraries of Cry11 variants, in which structural characteristics of wild Cry families were observed in a review of a sample of in silico sequences. We consider that future studies could use our in silico libraries and heuristic computational models, as the one suggested here, to support in vitro experiments of directed evolution.
Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Introduction: There is a need for health professionals to lead patient safety as a public policy, which is a quality criterion to evaluate the safety culture in health institutions and in each service they offer. Objective: To assess the dimensions of culture about patient safety. Methods: Analytical and cross-sectional study carried in the operating room area of San Luis Maternal and Child Clinic, from April to July 2018. The responses about safety culture were taken from 45 health professionals through the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety questionnaire, Spanish version. The statistical analysis presents proportions, measures of central tendency, dispersion and interquartile range. To identify the differences between the groups, the following tests were used: exact Fisher\'s test, Anova test, and Kruskal Wallis test. The analyzes were performed in the STATA 12 program (StataCorp College Station, TX, USA). Results: There are statistically significant differences between the groups of professionals regarding sex (p= 0.002), academic training (p= 0.042) and work in another institution (p= 0.022). 50% of the respondents rated patient safety in their service with a score between 8 and 9. Conclusions: In assessing safety culture, some dimensions were identified as strengths, such as organizational learning/continuous improvement, teamwork within the unit/service, and support of the hospital management to patient safety.
Revista Cubana de Enfermeria
Objective: to determine direct and indirect non-medical costs derived from caring for patients with chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in three health institutions located in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 77 patients with NCDs and their family caregivers, who were selected through systematic sampling between 2018 and 2019. Results: most people with NCDs are women (55 %) at an average age of 70. Four out of five caregivers are women, at an average age of 40, who deliver care for an average of 14 hours a day. The total monthly cost for patient care was on average 324,207 COP. The most significant costs are related to health, food, housing, transport, and communication. 60.5 % of NCDs patients were responsible for household finances before becoming ill. About half of them stopped working and the other half experienced a reduction of 33 % in their monthly income after becoming ill. Conclusion: due to the need for complementary and comprehensive treatment, care, and interventions, costs related to care of NCDs patients increase despite the income of NCDs patients and their caregivers do not.
This paper aims to analyse the relationship between organisational learning and innovation capabilities in medium-sized enterprises. The research applied two surveys in medium-sized enterprises. The results show the existence of a strong positive correlation between organisational learning and innovation capability. The study provides empirical evidence on the development of innovation capabilities in medium-sized enterprises. In the literature, there are relatively few papers, which study the links between organisational learning and innovation capabilities. Therefore, this paper contributes with tangible evidence to identify the dimensions of organisational learning that improve the development of innovation capabilities.
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
Introduction: Periodontitis affects more than 20% of the Latin American population. Oxidative markers are associated with greater progression of periodontitis; therefore, its role in pathogenesis should be studied. Objective: To determine the prevalence of the main oral bacteria and viruses associated with periodontitis and estimate the total antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in saliva from patients with periodontitis. Materials and methods: We conducted systemically a cross-sectional study in 101 healthy subjects, 87 of whom had been diagnosed with periodontitis (P), according to the criteria of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Periodontology, and 14 without periodontal pockets as controls (C). In subgingival samples, major viruses and dental pathogenic bacteria were identified using PCR techniques. The levels of total antioxidant capacity and malon-di-aldehyde (MDA) were determined by spectrophotometry in samples of unstimulated saliva. Results: The mean of periodontal depth pocket and clinical attachment loss in patients with periodontitis was 5.6 ± 1.7 and 6.1 ± 3.1 mm, respectively. The most prevalent microorganisms were Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (32.5%) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (18.6%). The patients from rural areas showed a higher percentage of A. actinomycetemcomitans (urban: 17.9% vs. rural: 48.9%, p=0.0018). In patients with periodontitis, the frequency of EBV, HSV1 & 2, and HCMV genes was 2.3%. Periodontitis patients had higher levels of MDA (P: 2.1 ± 1.5; C: 0.46 ± 0.3 μmol/g protein; p=0.0001) and total antioxidant capacity (P: 0.32 ± 0.2; C: 0.15 ± 0.1 mM; p< 0.0036). Oxidative markers showed no modifications due to the presence of periodontopathic bacteria. Conclusions: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans was the most prevalent bacteria; its presence did not modify the levels of oxidative markers in the saliva of patients with periodontitis.
CICIC 2020 - Decima Conferencia Iberoamericana de Complejidad, Informatica y Cibernetica, Memorias
This article aims to analyze the levels of organizational learning in a coal exploitation company in the Department of La Guajira. The research uses a descriptive, field study, not experimental methodology. A data collection questionnaire of 43 items was applied to a sample of 46 collaborators from three areas of a coal mine in the department of La Guajira. The correlation results indicate that the greatest relationship occurs between the levels of group and organizational learning. Additionally, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicates that there are no significant differences in the levels of organizational learning inside the company analyzed. We concluded that the level of individual, group and organizational learning was presented, while the level of organizational learning was very present in the analyzed company.
Revista Venezolana de Gerencia
The aim of this article is to analyze the collaboration networks between Higher Education Institutions in Colombia, according to the parameter \"Top collaborating institutions\" in ResearchGate. This paper makes a comparison between the networks of Higher Education Institutions accredited as high quality and those not accredited, according to the indicators of the National Accreditation System in Colombia. The analysis of the institutional collaboration is carried out by constructing joint work networks, using the UCINET software. The first institution registered in the \"top of collaboration\", published in the ResearchGate profile of each Higher Education Institution, is taken in account. The results shows that accredited institutions have a well-connected and integrated collaboration network. On the other hand, the non-accredited institutions have a weak and poorly integrated collaboration network. In addition, non-accredited universities seek to collaborate mostly with accredited institutions and not between them. In this way, the efforts of non-accredited institutions are not well coordinated and become diluted in the distribution of their relationships.
Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica
Zika virus appeared in South America in 2015, generating alarm worldwide as it causes microcephaly and autoimmunity. This study aims to determine the serological footprint of the incoming epidemic in a student community and to characterize the memory functional cell response during post convalescence. In a cross-sectional study, Zika-specific IgG using LIA immunoassay was found in 328 university students (CI=95%), while in the second phase, the functional cellular memory response for IFN-γ and IL-2 was quantified using post-stimulus ELISpot with inactivated virus, starting with individuals seropositive for Zika and control individuals (seropositive only for Dengue and seronegative for Zika-Dengue). Depending on the antigen used, memory humoral response (IgG) against Zika Virus was observed in >60% of the population; seropositivity for NS1 was 21.1% higher than E antigen with high intensity. The analysis of cell functionality in 22 individuals seropositive for Zika virus revealed either IFN-γ+ or IL-2+ cells in 86.3% of cases (Th1 profile), presenting multifunctionality in 50% (11 individuals), 64% of which presented> 6 SFC/104 PBMCs (>600 SFC/106 PBMC), reflecting memory circulating cells. A good agreement (Kappa= 0.754) was observed between the coexistence of both cellular and humoral responses but not in their intensity.
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
Introduction: There is little evidence that details the behavior of each spatio-temporal variable of the running pattern using different surfaces. Objective: To compare the spatio-temporal variables of the running pattern over two surfaces in adolescent soccer players. Method: A cross-sectional study involving 18 male soccer players was conducted (median [Me] age = 12 years; Interquartile range [IQR] 12-13). Speed, acceleration, contact time (Ct), fligihttime (Ft), contact phase, support phase, propulsion, stride, and cadence were evaluated through a 5-meter long optical measurement system. The assessments were initially carried out in an Artificial Surface (AS) and 24 hours later in a Natural Surface (NS). The Wilcoxon signed-rank test for paired data and the Spearman correlation coefficient were used. Results: The support phase was greater in AS than NS (NS: Me = 0.05 IQR: 0.03; 0.06; AS: Me = 0.09 IQR 0.08; 0.10; p <0.001). The Ft (NS: Me=0.16 IQR: 0.14; 0.19; AS: Me = 0.04 IQR: 0.04; 0.05; p <0.001), the contact phase (NS: Me = 0.02 IQR: 0.02; 0.03; AS: Me = 0.02 IQR: 0.01; 0.02; p = 0.040) and propulsion (NS: Me = 0.14 IQR: 0.09; 0.17; AS: Me = 0.07 IQR: 0.06; 0.09; p = <0.001) were greater in NS than AS. An indirect relationship between speed and contact phase in NS was found. The Ft and the stride were indirectly associated with acceleration in AS. Conclusion: The running pattern varies according to the surface used. The contact phase can explain the speed in the NS; while the Ft and the stride can explain the acceleration in AS.
Introduction: Research about the ontogeny of sori, sporangia, receptacular paraphyses and sporogenesis of leptosporangiate ferns are scarce in the scientific literature. Objectives: To describe and ana-lyze the ontogeny of sori, sporangia, receptacular paraphyses and sporogenesis of Phymatosorus scolopendria. Methods: Fertile fronds of P. scolopendria were collected in the campus of the Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, during the months March and May (annual rain season) of 2017. The fertile fronds of the samples at different developmental stages were fixed and processed according to the standard protocols for embedding and sectioning in paraffin and resin. Sections of 0.5 µm obtained in resin were stained with Toluidine blue, which differentially stains primary and secondary walls, highlights the cell nucleus and spo-ropolenin and secondarily stains polyphenols. For detailed descriptions, additional sections were processed with Safranin-Alcian blue, allowing the distinction of components of primary and secondary walls, nuclei, cuticle and polyphenols; Hematoxylin-Alcian blue to enhance nuclei and primary walls and Phloroglucinol-HCl for lignin. Observations and photographic records were done with a photonic microscope. For the observations and descriptions with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the sori were dehydrated with 2,2-dimethoxypropane, critical point dried and coated with gold. Results: The sori are exindusiate, superficial, vascularized and have mixed development; they are associated with uniseriate and multicellular receptacle paraphyses. During the development of the sori, the epidermal cells of the receptacle that will form the sporangia are the first differenti-ated followed by those forming the receptacle paraphyses. The sporangium is leptosporangiate, with long stalks formed by one or two cell rows. The annulus of the sporangia displays secondary walls with U-shaped thicken-ings rich in lignin. The meiosis is simultaneous and the spore tetrads are arranged in a decussate or tetragonal shape. The cellular tapetum is initially unistratified but becomes bistratified after a periclinal division. The cells of the internal strata of the cellular tapetum loose structural integrity giving rise to a plasmodial tapetum that invades the meiotic sporocytes. During the sporoderm development, the sporopollenin-composed exospore is the first formed followed by the endospore, composed by cellulose, pectin and carboxylated polysaccharides; the process ends with the perispore. Polyphenols were mainly detected on vacuoles in cells of the sporangium, paraphysis and receptacle. When the time comes for the spore maturation, the remnants of cellular and the plasmodial tapeta have fully degenerated. Abundant orbicles are seen near the spores in the sporangial cavity. Conclusions: The ontogeny of the sporangia and sporogenesis of P. scolopendria are similar to the previously described for leptosporangiate ferns. Furthermore, in P. scolopendria, the receptacle paraphyses of the sori have a role protecting the sporangium during the early development stages.
Revista de Biologia Tropical
Kardiologia Polska
Introduction: physical inactivity is a behavioral risk factor that is defined as the realization of less than 150 moderate intensity physical activity per week, oh the other hand, sedentary behavior has to do with the time a person spend sitting or lying down. The objective of this study was to determine if there is a correlation between physical activity levels, in each domain, and the sedentary behavior of hikers from Bucaramanga, and its metropolitan area. Methods: correlational study carried out in 170 hikers from Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. Variables were analyzed using central tendencies measures or frequencies according to its nature. U - Mann-Whitney test was utilized to establish differences statistically significant between categorical and continuous variables of interest. Pearson coefficient was calculated to establish a possible correlation between variables of interest. Significant level was of p ≤ 0.05 Results: a non-existent prevalence of physical inactivity was registered in hikers. No differences statistically significant were found when analyzing physical activity medians in each domain according to sex. Free time was the domain in which participants reported more physical activity. A negative correlation was established between sedentary behavior and the quantity of physical activity and weekly energy expenditure. Conclusions: All hikers interviewed are physically active and widely fulfill WHO recommendations on physical activity for health, besides, participants reported low levels of sedentary behavior. A negative correlation was stablished between sedentary behavior and the quantity of physical activity and weekly energy expenditure.
Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas
Objective: Our objective was to quantitatively describe the research on HIV infection carried out in Colombia. Materials and methods: A bibliometric review of all studies that included people infected or affected by HIV between January 1, 1983, and August 31, 2018, was performed. Results: 587 studies were identified. Most were descriptive studies. There are a lower number of studies in the fields of prevention, education and public health. Most of the published studies were carried out in 3 departments. 72% were published in Q3, Q4 or unclassified journals. Discussion: The research performed has given priority to the description of figures and is not enough to understand and know how to treat factors like late diagÂnosis, the stigma and the prevention of the disease. Conclusion: There does not seem to be a national strategy to define the research needs. There is a low dissemination of the results and a low cover of the research in the country.
Universidad de Santander UDES. Vigilada Mineducación.
Resolución otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional: No. 6216 del 22 de diciembre de 2005 / Personería Jurídica 810 de 12/03/96.
Institución sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución 12220 de 2016.
Notificaciones administrativas y judiciales:
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