Herramientas de Accesibilidad
The Ib-M6 peptide has antibacterial activity against non-pathogenic Escherichia coli K-12 strain. The first part of this study determines the antibacterial activity of Ib-M6 against fourteen pathogenic strains of E. coli O157:H7. Susceptibility assay showed that Ib-M6 had values of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) lower than streptomycin, used as a reference antibiotic. Moreover, to predict the possible interaction between Ib-M6 and outer membrane components of E. coli, we used molecular docking simulations where FhuA protein and its complex with Lipopolysaccharide (LPS–FhuA) were used as targets of the peptide. FhuA/Ib-M6 complexes had energy values between −39.5 and −40.5 Rosetta Energy Units (REU) and only one hydrogen bond. In contrast, complexes between LPS–FhuA and Ib-M6 displayed energy values between −25.6 and −40.6 REU, and the presence of five possible hydrogen bonds. Hence, the antimicrobial activity of Ib-M6 peptide shown in the experimental assays could be caused by its interaction with the outer membrane of E. coli.
The development of new antimicrobial peptides has become an attractive alternative to conventional antibiotics due to the increasing rates of microbial drug resistance. Ib-M corresponds to a family of cationic synthetic peptides, 20 amino acids in length, that have shown inhibitory effect against the non-pathogenic strain Escherichia coli K-12. This work evaluated the antimicrobial potential of Ib-M peptides against the pathogenic E. coli O157: H7 using a reference strain and a clinical isolate. The Ib-M peptides showed antibacterial activity against both strains of E. coli O157: H7; the minimum inhibitory concentration of Ib-M peptides ranged from 1.6 to 12.5 μM and the minimum bactericidal concentration ranged from 3.7 to 22.9 μM, being Ib-M1 and Ib-M2 the peptides that presented the highest inhibitory effect. Time-kill kinetics assay showed a reduction of the bacterial population by more than 95% after 4 hours of exposure to 1xMIC of Ib-M1. Low cytotoxicity was observed in VERO cells with 50% cytotoxic concentration in the range from 197.5 to more than 400 μM. All peptides showed a random structure in hydrophilic environments, except Ib-M1, and all of them transitioned to an α-helical structure when the hydrophobicity of the medium was increased. In conclusion, these findings support the in vitro antimicrobial effect of Ib-M peptides against the pathogenic bacteria E. coli O157: H7 and prove to be promising molecules for the development of new therapeutic alternatives.
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of 2 hamstring strengthening interventions (Nordic hamstrings [NHE] vs. eccentric leg curl [ELC]) on the hamstring torque-angle profiles and functional hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio (Hecc:Qcon) in female hockey players. Female university-level players were randomly allocated to an NHE group (n59, 19.7±1.4 years; 168.4±4.4 cm; 66.2±7.2 kg, 26.064.4%), an ELC group (n58, 19.5±1.0 years; 168.16 3.4 cm; 66.7±4.5 kg, 24.8±3.5%), or a control (C) group (n58, 19.6±1.4 years; 169.9±7.5 cm; 70.7±13.0 kg, 25.9±5.2%). They performed baseline isokinetic concentric strength tests of the quadriceps (Qcon) and eccentric strength of the hamstrings (Hecc) at 120°s21, followed by a 6-week intervention with exercises (NHE or ELC) performed 3 times weekly, before post-tests. Analyses of variance with repeated measures were used to assess the effects of knee position angle (from 90° of knee flexion to 10° close to extension), group, and time on Qcon, Hecc, and Hecc:Qcon. There were no interactions between independent variables. Significant increases in Hecc and Hecc:Qcon were shown after NHE (+29.9 and +27.8%) and ELC (+30.5 and +38.3%) in the nondominant leg only. Furthermore, significant shifts in the hamstring eccentric angle of peak torque toward a longer muscle length were shown in both legs (14.3-28.6%). These findings suggest that NHE and ELC both resulted in significant improvements in peak and muscle-length-specific neuromuscular risk factors in the nondominant (ND) limb, thereby reducing interlimb peak strength asymmetries. Strength and conditioning specialists could therefore use both the NHE and ELC exercises in female hockey players.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Background: Cardiovascular outcome trials have suggested that glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists might reduce strokes. We analysed the effect of dulaglutide on stroke within the researching cardiovascular events with a weekly incretin in diabetes (REWIND) trial. Methods: REWIND was a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial done at 371 sites in 24 countries. Men and women (aged ≥50 years) with established or newly detected type 2 diabetes whose HbA1c was 9·5% or less (with no lower limit) on stable doses of up to two oral glucose-lowering drugs with or without basal insulin therapy were eligible if their body-mass index was at least 23 kg/m2. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1) to weekly subcutaneous injections of either masked dulaglutide 1·5 mg or the same volume of masked placebo (containing the same excipients but without dulaglutide). Randomisation was done by a computer-generated random code with an interactive web response system with stratification by site. Participants, investigators, the trial leadership, and all other personnel were masked to treatment allocation until the trial was completed and the database was locked. During the treatment period, participants in both groups were instructed to inject study drug on the same day at around the same time, each week. Strokes were categorised as fatal or non-fatal, and as either ischaemic, haemorrhagic, or undetermined. Stroke severity was assessed using the modified Rankin scale. Participants were seen at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and then every 3 months for drug dispensing and every 6 months for detailed assessments, until 1200 confirmed primary outcomes accrued. The primary endpoint was the first occurrence of any component of the composite outcome, which comprised non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular or unknown causes. All analyses were done according to an intention-to-treat strategy that included all randomly assigned participants, irrespective of adherence. The trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01394952. Findings: Between Aug 18, 2011, and Aug 14, 2013, we screened 12 133 patients, of whom 9901 with type 2 diabetes and additional cardiovascular risk factors were randomly assigned to either dulaglutide (n=4949) or an equal volume of placebo (n=4952). During a median follow-up of 5·4 years, cerebrovascular and other cardiovascular outcomes were ascertained and adjudicated. 158 (3·2%) of 4949 participants assigned to dulaglutide and 205 (4·1%) of 4952 participants assigned to placebo had a stroke during follow-up (hazard ratio [HR] 0·76, 95% CI 0·62–0·94; p=0·010). Dulaglutide reduced ischaemic stroke (0·75, 0·59–0·94, p=0·012) but had no effect on haemorrhagic stroke (1·05, 0·55–1·99; p=0·89). Dulaglutide also reduced the composite of non-fatal stroke or all-cause death (0·88, 0·79–0·98; p=0·017) and disabling stroke (0·74, 0·56–0·99; p=0·042). The degree of disability after stroke did not differ by treatment group. Interpretation: Long-term dulaglutide use might reduce clinically relevant ischaemic stroke in people with type 2 diabetes but does not affect stroke severity. Funding: Eli Lilly and Company.
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the interchangeability of position tracking metrics obtained using global positioning systems (GPS) versus those obtained by a semi-automatic high definition (HD) optical camera system. Methods: Data was collected from a cohort of 29 elite football players (age: 23.1 ± 5.1 years, height: 180.4 ± 5.8 cm, mass: 74.6 ± 6.7 kg) in four matches played in four different stadiums. In two matches 10 Hz GPS (GPS-1, StatSports, Belfast, UK) were used, while in the other two matches augmented 10 Hz GPS (GPS-2, StatSports, Belfast, UK) were used. All four matches were analysed concomitantly using six semi-automated HD motion cameras sampling at 25 Hz (TRACAB, Chyronhego, New York, USA). Results: Mean bias was between 6% and 10% for GPS-1 and 1–4% for GPS-2, respectively. No proportional bias was found (p > 0.184). The SEE within calibration functions (expressed in % to mean) was between 5% and 22% for GPS-1 and 4–14% for GPS-2. While some significant differences existed between GPS-1 and TRACAB (total distance and high-speed), positional tracking variables were highly correlated between GPS-1, GPS-2 and TRACAB (r2> 0.92) with GPS-2 displaying stronger correlations (> r2 = 0.96). Conclusion: In the present study augmented GPS technology (GPS-2) and the TRACAB camera system provided interchangeable measures of positional tracking metrics to allow concurrent assessment and monitoring of training and competition in football players. However, we recommend practitioners evaluate their own systems to identify where errors exist, calculate and apply the regression equations to confidently interchange data.
Science and Medicine in Football
Leptospirosis is caused by the bacteria Lepstospira spp, of high worldwide prevalence, related to the circulation in multiple domestic and peridomestic reservoirs. The present review aimed to provide data on infection by Leptospira spp in possible animal reservoirs. A narrative review of the literature was developed where maximum prevalence values were found in canines up to 63%, in felines 68%, in swine 86%, in equines 75% and in bovines 89%. According to the prevalence of Leptospirosis, they should be taken into account from the routine diagnosis of pathology in animals
Revista Lasallista de Investigacion
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of pre-exposure of progesterone (P4) in Nelore breed cows in the postpartum period, undergoing a fixed-time artificial insemination program (FTAI). 74 multiparous cows with 2,5 body condition, acyclic, were used. For the determination of the state of anestrus, ultrasound scans were performed evaluating the absence of the corpus luteum and taking blood samples in order to verify endogenous P4 levels < 1 ng / mL. The cows were submitted to three experimental groups, being an untreated group and two groups with previous P4 exposure for 3 and 6 days before the start of the estrus synchronization protocol. Animals underwent synchronization protocol based on progesterone, estradiol benzoate, prostaglandin and equine chorion-ic gonadotropin. 45 days after the IA, the pregnancy diagnosis was made. No differences (P > 0.05) were observed between the gestation rates of the experimental groups. In conclusion, pre-synchronization with P4 in Nelore cows in the postpartum anestrus period did not improve pregnancy rates after artificial insemination.
This investigation aimed to determine the countermovement jump (CMJ) neuromuscular performance (NMP) qualities that differentiate between athletes with high or low horizontal deceleration ability. Twenty-seven male university team sport athletes performed a CMJ on vertical axis force plates and a maximal horizontal deceleration following a 20 m maximal horizontal sprint acceleration. The instantaneous velocity throughout the maximal horizontal deceleration test was measured using a radar device. The deceleration ability was evaluated using the average deceleration (HDEC, m·s−2 ) and change in momentum—referred to as the horizontal braking impulse (HBI, N·s·kg−1 ). Participants were dichotomised into high and low HDEC and HBI according to a median-split analysis, and CMJ variables calculated for the overall eccentric, eccentric-deceleration and concentric phases. When horizontal deceleration ability was defined by HDEC, the CMJ concentric (effect size (ES) = 0.95) and eccentric (ES = 0.72) peak forces were the variables with the largest difference between groups. However, when defined using HBI, the largest difference was the concentric (ES = 1.15) and eccentric (ES = −1.00) peak velocities. Only the concentric mean power was significantly different between the high and low groups for both HDEC (ES = 0.85) and HBI (ES = 0.96). These findings show that specific eccentric and concentric NMP qualities may underpin the horizontal deceleration abilities characterised by HDEC and HBI. Specific NMP training interventions may be beneficial to target improvements in either of these measures of horizontal deceleration abilities.
A 4-month-old mixed-breed abandoned was submitted to a veterinary hospital for clinical examination. The patient presented poor conditions: low body condition, shaggy hair, and respiratory symptoms with ocular and bilateral nasal secretions. The physiological parameters showed tachycardia, dyspnea and fever; on auscultation, rales, stridor, wheezing and increased pulmonary dullness were noted. The results of complete blood count showed alterations associated with a regenerative anemia; moderate anisocytosis and polychromatophilia; deviation to the left with presence of bands and thrombocytopenia; intracytoplasmic inclusions compatible with Histoplasma sp. Radiological examinations showed a characteristic interstitial pattern relative to lung disease. Treatment was started with oxytetracycline IV (10 mg/kg/12 h) and ketoconazole PO (10 mg/kg/24 h), the most prescribed antifungal for these infections, as well as symptomatic supportive therapy. Unfortunately, the patient died despite all the efforts. Necropsy was performed. The presence of granulomas together with the histopathological findings confirmed the diagnose of histoplasmosis. The lesions observed microscopically suggest a multifactorial infectious process: first, a neoplastic disease (diffuse large cell lymphoma in bone marrow and lymph node) associated with feline leukemia virus, followed by systemic mycosis (especially in lungs and lymph nodes) caused by Histoplasma sp.
Revista Veterinaria
Introduction: In the quarantine situation due to SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), the stressful nature of this experience and its negative effects on the emotional stability and mental health of university students have been recognized; For this reason, it is important to recognize the impact on psychological well- being in this population and the role of sociodemographic characteristics in it. Objective: To analyze the relationships between psychologi- cal well-being and sociodemographic characteristics in uni- versity students during the initial moment of preventive con- finement due to the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic. Methods: The sample consisted of 1631 university students of both sexes, who were characterized sociodemographically and evaluated with the Ryff Psychological Well-being Scale (EBP), during the initial period of strict quarantine. Results: The highest levels of Psychological Well-being were associated with the female sex (81.7%), single people (75%) and the high socioeconomic stratum. A significant association was found between having psychiatric treatment and psycho- logical well-being. Most of the students showed medium lev- els of Psychological a lower Well-being, with better levels in Life Purpose, Personal Growth and Self-acceptance. Conclusion: The results show that in the initial isolation due to the pandemic, Psychological Well-being was not negatively affected in the university students in the study, with medium levels of well-being predominating, which could have been contributing to a better coping with the situation. However, this does not rule out that it could be negatively affected later, after a longer confinement time.
Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica
Introduction. From nursing based on evidence, as cognitive processes that put in place in front of each situation make evident to the process of Nursing as a fundamental tool for the direction of care. In the care phenomenon, the nursing situation arises as a scientific tool that allows to put into evidence the patterns of nursing knowledge proposed by Barbara Carper, the elements of the metaparadigm, as well as the phases of the nursing process. For the operationalization of the same, the taxonomy of diagnoses proposed by the NANDA was used, as well as the expected results (NOC) and the suggested interventions (NIC). Methodology. To clarify reality, it was approached from the ethnographic baggage focused as analytical methodology, exploring from the anthropological aspect of care, evidence-based nursing, patterns of knowledge from the care narrative as an epistemic basis for domains and taxonomies, taking into account the theoretical-epistemological adaptation based on the qualitative-interpretive paradigm through symbolic interactionism. Results and discussions. Nursing based on evidence, emerges as the new emerging paradigm, through the knowledge patterns, are part of the teaching and practice of nursing, in such a way that they increase its complexity and its epistemological diversity. Therefore, each employer gives an orientation of the problems and the questions of the discipline, recognizing that the changes are inherent in the development of knowledge in nursing. Methodological proposals. The phenomenon of care, emerges as a need the symbiosis between the nursing process and its transcendence in scientific research through evidence-based nursing, seen as a unique, individualized process of nursing practice through the narrative, using the tools of knowledge patterns, taking into account that the health-illness responses of human beings are part of the central core of the story and the meanings that people give them.
Cultura de los Cuidados
Introduction: Belminus ferroae is a Triatominae that exhibits entomophagous behavior, however, it can occasionally feed on vertebrates. Currently, there is no evidence of natural infection with T. cruzi or the occurrence of metacyclogenesis in this species. Objective: To examine the metacyclogenesis of T. cruzi in B. ferroae and the infectivity of faeces or their intestinal contents in rodents under laboratory conditions. Materials and methods: Twenty-nymphs of B. ferroae were infected with an autochthonous strain of T. cruzi (M/HOM/VE/09/P6). Faeces and urine samples were collected by expelled spontaneously or by abdominal compression, and were examined at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 days. Also, the intestinal content was collected by dissection of the digestive tube. The quantification of parasitic load of T. cruzi and its evolutionary forms in feces, urine and intestinal contents was performed by Giemsa staining. Likewise, the infectivity of metacyclic trypomastigotes of T. cruzi was evaluated in albino mice. Results: Parasitological analysis revealed 3 (15%) of insects infected with T. cruzi, at 30 (N = 1), 40 (N = 1) and 50 (N = 1) days post infection; obtaining parasitic loads of up to 1.62 x105 trypanosomes/mm3, and percentages of metacyclogenesis between 3.5% to 6.78%. Conclusions: for first time the metacyclogenesis of T. cruzi in a species of the genus Belminus under laboratory conditions and the infectivity of faeces for a vertebrate host.
High blood pressure (BP) is the leading global preventable cause of death and the most common risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, due to its asymptomatic nature, the lack of awareness of this condition causes underdiagnosis and low rates of adherence to pharmacological treatment. Looking for practical approaches to increase awareness worldwide, the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) implemented the 2nd May Measurement Month campaign in 2018 (MMM18). In order to contribute to this initiative, Colombia participated as one of the 89 countries involved in this hypertension screening programme. Blood pressure was measured in subjects from 11 departments in Colombia. Under the leadership of the Fundación Oftalmológica de Santander (FOSCAL), 400 volunteers across the country collected the data following the MMM protocol. Measurements from 35 548 participants with a mean age of 41.9 years were obtained. In total, 9475 (26.7%) of the total population studied had hypertension. Of those with hypertension, 69.9% of these subjects were aware of their condition, 65.0% were on antihypertensive medication, and 43.1% had controlled BP. Of those on medication, 66.3% had controlled BP. Hypertension screening, awareness, treatment, and control should be a priority in public health objectives due to its elevated burden of disease and direct association with increased CVD. The MMM campaign provided a positive impact in the diagnosis of hypertension across Colombia. Although efforts are being made to expand treatment capability and adherence, still more are needed to insure a broader coverage of antihypertensive medication in Colombia.
European Heart Journal, Supplement
Introduction: Cardiovascular rehabilitation (CVR) is considered as a model of comprehensive care that represents continuity in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases with multiple benefits. Objective: To unite the different guidelines worldwide to determine the existence of a global consensus for the care of patients in cardiac rehabilitation. Materials and methods: We searched the guidelines of different countries around the world, from the year 2000 until December 2018. This search was performed in different databases such as: Scielo, Medline, Medscape, PubMed Central, EMBASE, Redalyc, DOAJ and OVID; also, searches were made in specialized journals and / or academic and scientific organizations from 21 countries. Results: 28 guides and/or documents from 21 different countries were found worldwide. These RCV documents in the US, Canada and Europe recommend that patients go from aerobic exercise of moderate to vigorous resistance throughout the program. However, those in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand specify less intense exercises and less technical assessment of functional capacity. In addition, 50% of the documents collected, do not present special recommendations and those that do, do not give specific recommendations on their prescription and intervention. Conclusions: There is a consensus where it is mentioned that CVR generates improvements in functional capacity, physical strength, cardiovascular risk factors and quality of life. However, there is an absence of global recommendations on intensity and type of exercise in strength training and HIIT in the area of cardiac rehabilitation.
Revista Cubana de Cardiologia y Cirugia Cardiovascular
This article reports a three-stage computational approach for the automatic detection of Leishmania protozoan in light microphotograph from bone marrow samples extracted from patients with visceral Leishmaniasis. The first stage corre-sponds to the pre-processing of the microscopy images, in which initially a low-pass filter or softener was applied to at-tenuate the undesired information associated with the images and preserve the edges in the objects contained in the im-ages. The pre-processing stage concluded with the application of consistent gradient operators to the smoothed images to emphasise the changes of the intensities associated with the protozoa edges by determining the gradient module. In the second stage, a procedure-oriented to the selection of regions of interest that were candidates to contain parasites in the pre-processed images was developed, based on the intensity analysis associated with a set of intensity profiles selected from the smoothed images. In the final stage, each region of interest containing protozoa was analysed on the gradient module by a technique based on polar maps, to clas-sify its content as a parasite of the genus Leishmania or not. The application of the proposed computational approach to a set of samples of patients with Visceral Leishmaniasis gener-ated a recognition parasite percentage of approximately 80%.
Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica
Diazotrophic bacteria can stimulate the growth of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) crop by hormone synthesis, with N fixation and the production of siderophores, or other processes. The predominant diazotrophic bacteria in agroecosystems may be potential biofertilizers. The aim of this study was to quantify and characterize the population of rhizospheric diatrophic bacteria in samples of rhizospheric soil (RS) and endophytic diazotrophic bacteria in root (R) and foliar material (FM) samples, with phenotypical and molecular tests. The study was exploratory and with random sampling, with 18 RS, roots (R) and FM samples of tomato plantations in six farms. The differences in the most probable number (MPN) of diazotrophic bacteria were not significant between the FM and R sampling sites. The mean of the Mfb displayed highly significant differences in Azotobacter sp. and Azospirillum sp. between the RS, R and FM samples, with a higher and lower MPN in RS and FM. This relates with the phenotypical and biochemical characterization of RS, in which 14 isolations were identified as Azotobacter sp., and seven as Azospirillum sp. The genera Burkholderia and Gluconacetobacter showed no significant differences in the number of isolations between RS and R samples, but they did with FM, with the lower cell population. The differences between the farms were not significant in the soil parameters, related to the dissimilarity of the MPN. Molecular characterization helped identify A. chroococcum, A. nigricans, A. vinelandii, A. brasilense, B. glumae and G. azotocaptans/G. johannae in samples of RS; B. glumae, G. azotocaptans/G. johannae in samples of R and G. azotocaptans/G. johannae in FM samples.
Objective To conduct a thematic review of physical exercise programs for children in the global context. Methods The search for information was carried out in databases Redalyc, Scielo, Elsevier, Pubmed, Scopus, using descriptors in health such as motor activity, children, adolescents, warm-up exercise, muscle stretching exercises and cooling exercise. Full-length articles in Spanish and English were selected and published between 2008 and 2019. In addition, pages were consulted from organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, the Administrative Department of Sports, recreation, physical activity and the use of free time, among others. The information was organized in an Excel database according to the year of publication, title, authors, methodology, phases and dimensions of the program. Results The information was analyzed and the structure of the activity program for schoolchildren was designed, taking into account the recommendations of the WHO and the legislation in force in Colombia. Conclusions The implementation of physical exercise programs from childhood and adolescence, promote healthy habits that positively impact health by decreasing risk factors of chronic non transmissible diseases. Their structure includes methodological characteristics such as duration, frequency, intensity, type of exercise and the warm-up, stretching, active or central phase, and cooling down or returning to calm phases.
Revista de Salud Publica
The present study analysed the contributions of a B-learning training experience to the reduction of school conflicts in classrooms by encouraging cognitive-behavioural anger management techniques. Using a mixed concurrent nested dominant approach, research took place from 2015 to 2017 with 43 Colombian children between the ages of 8 and 14. Data was collected using a pre-test/post-test, checklists, observation logs, and a focus group. The findings showed satisfactory performance in the execution of the indicated techniques; these results were verified by Wilcoxon\'s Z test, showing a significant increase in the measurement of internal wrath control with both self-applied and hetero-applied instruments (-2,841 with sign. 0.004 in the hetero-applied instrument and -1,699 with sign. 0.089 in the STAXI-NA). Finally, an analysis of the qualitative results provides suggestions for improving the technical and pedagogical aspects.
International Journal of Learning Technology
Disease mapping seeks to represent the risk of a disease. This paper focuses on the spatial analysis of risk for pandemic COVID-19 in Europe and the Mediterranean. Morbidity and mortality data for 54 countries in ratio format were used. Two hypotheses were considered, the first one is that the data are homogeneous and the second one is that the ratios are defined in a heterogeneous manner requiring the stratification on the basis of covariables and the methodology of Jenks’ intervals. Spatial risk models were applied as well as methods for the representation of clusters. The results show that the best representation is obtained with the Poisson-Gamma Model under stratification. The variations in the ratios are due to the individual policies of each country for the management of the pandemic. The cluster analysis shows that there is a high mortality process in Eastern Europe. The behavior of the pandemic should be evaluated in the space-time process as well as in other heterogeneous and highly unequal regions.
Cuadernos Geograficos
Backyard pigs have been associated with poor sanitary conditions and the development of parasitic diseases, often causing public health and food safety problems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors for gastrointestinal parasites in backyard pigs. 279 animals were sampled from thirtytwo backyard pig farms located in the Bucaramanga, Floridablanca, Giron and Piedecuesta municipalities, from Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area, Colombia. Fecal samples were taken directly from the rectum and processed by four coprological techniques. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites was 91%, being the highest values for Balantidium coli and Eimeria sp. Regarding the prevalence by municipalities, there was no statistical association (p ≥ 0.05) indicating that the prevalence was similar in the region under study. Floridablanca municipality, free-ranging pigs, access to latrines, and consumption of spring water showed to be a risk factor for nematodes, while Giron municipality, pigs > 7 months of age and access to latrines, increased infection risk for coccidian. We concluded that there is a high prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in backyard pigs from the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area, and that it could be controlled by improving management practices and farm facilities.
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinaria
The incorporation of computational thinking in the classroom has been identified as a fundamental strategy that could spread student participation and have an effective impact on learning. Although there are studies done on this subject, we do not find a systematic dissertation that compiles the fundamental practices of Computational Thinking in teacher training. That is why this article presents a systematic review of literature with the objective of summarizing studies on computational thinking for initial teacher training. Initially the search was conducted in five databases of scientific publications, 100 studies published in the last five years were obtained. After a method of analysis of each of them, verify that they match the requirements of the review, obtaining as a result the compilation of the main experiences and practices reported in the process of Computational Thinking for teachers. In addition, the determined systematic review will determine the associated problems, studies on computational thinking, characteristics, methodologies, teaching-learning strategies and trends. This article is an important starting point for future projects that wish to continue contributing to experiences that benefit both students and teachers in this field of Teaching Computational Thinking.
Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology
CISCI 2020 - Decima Novena Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernetica e Informatica, Decimo Septimo Simposium Iberoamericano en Educacion, Cibernetica e Informatica - Memorias
OBJECTIVE We aimed to compare cardiovascular (CV) events, all-cause mortality, and CV mortality rates among adults with and without diabetes in countries with differing levels of income. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study enrolled 143,567 adults aged 35–70 years from 4 high-income countries (HIC), 12 middle-income countries (MIC), and 5 low-income countries (LIC). The mean follow-up was 9.0 ± 3.0 years. RESULTS Among those with diabetes, CVD rates (LIC 10.3, MIC 9.2, HIC 8.3 per 1,000 person-years, P < 0.001), all-cause mortality (LIC 13.8, MIC 7.2, HIC 4.2 per 1,000 person-years, P < 0.001), and CV mortality (LIC 5.7, MIC 2.2, HIC 1.0 per 1,000 person-years, P < 0.001) were considerably higher in LIC compared with MIC and HIC. Within LIC, mortality was higher in those in the lowest tertile of wealth index (low 14.7%, middle 10.8%, and high 6.5%). In contrast to HIC and MIC, the increased CV mortality in those with diabetes in LIC remained unchanged even after adjustment for behavioral risk factors and treatments (hazard ratio [95% CI] 1.89 [1.58–2.27] to 1.78 [1.36–2.34]). CONCLUSIONS CVD rates, all-cause mortality, and CV mortality were markedly higher among those with diabetes in LIC compared with MIC and HIC with mortality risk remaining unchanged even after adjustment for risk factors and treatments. There is an urgent need to improve access to care to those with diabetes in LIC to reduce the excess mortality rates, particularly among those in the poorer strata of society.
Diabetes Care
Objective: To determine the prevalence of bullying and its determinants among adolescents attending school. Method: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of adolescents, who were selected using a multistage probability sampling, from 20 public educational institutions in a Colombian city, in which a simple and multivariate binomial regression was carried out. Results: A total of 500 adolescents participated from which 50.4% were women and 53.2% in their middle adolescence. Verbal violence prevailed in 66.5%, followed by physical violence in 32.0% and social bullying in 30.6%. 69.5% of the adolescents have been witnesses, 35.8% victims, and 14.2% aggressors. 80.5% of the aggressors were victims of bullying. In the multivariate analysis, an association was found between being a victim and having disabilities (PR:2.4; CI: 1.6-3.7), verbal aggression in the home (PR: 1.7; CI: 1.2-2.3) and drug abuse (PR: 1.7; CI 1.1-2.8). Being an aggressor was also associated with being a victim (PR: 7.2; CI 3.6-14.3) and alcohol abuse (PR: 2.2; CI: 1.3-3.8). Conclusion: Te frequency of bullying observed and the associated determinants demonstrate the persistence of this problem in adolescents and the need to develop a culture of appropriate and inclusive coexistence that goes beyond the school setting.
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem
Introduction: Nursing practice should promote the maintenance of well-being and life, through respect for culture against disease, through models of care in the evidence-based pluricultural context. The objective of this study was to reveal the rites of early childhood Pumé, and its impact on cultural reproduction and health care found such as protective collars, the placement of clinical names and the predisposition of the child: writing and painting skills attributed to maturity during its growth. Methodology: We frame the look in a focused ethnography exploring interculturality, rites of steps. The group of social actors subject to study was made up of seven key informants of the Pumé Ethnicity, with more than 5 years in the Community studied. Conclusions: Cultural care in Early Childhood will include activities aimed at preserving or maintaining, adapting or negotiating, reorienting or restructuring the care granted to children. That is why in the multicultural context in which we live, it is important to incorporate beliefs and values of people and thus provide effective, satisfactory and coherent nursing care with their culture and with evidence-based nursing practice.
Cultura de los Cuidados
Universidad de Santander UDES. Vigilada Mineducación.
Resolución otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional: No. 6216 del 22 de diciembre de 2005 / Personería Jurídica 810 de 12/03/96.
Institución sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución 12220 de 2016.
Notificaciones administrativas y judiciales:
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