Herramientas de Accesibilidad
Annals of Medicine and Surgery
Annals of Medicine and Surgery
Hypertension (HT) is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Although it is a global problem, independently of economic situation, region, race or culture, the data available on Latin America are limited. Clinical guidelines emphasise the importance of obtaining reliable blood pressure readings. For this reason, the use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is recommended. This improves precision and reproducibility, resulting in better diagnosing and therapeutic decision-making, and constitutes a better estimation of prognosis than office measurements. Unfortunately, there is no global prospective ABPM registry for all of Latin America that analyses HT prevalence, the level of knowledge about it, treatment percentage and the degree of control. Consequently, the authors of this article consider its implementation a priority.
Revista Clinica Espanola
Hypertension is a major risk factor for the development of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF) and blood pressure (BP) in itself is an important marker of prognosis. The association of BP levels, and hemodynamic parameters, measured by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), with outcomes, in patients with HFPEF is largely unknown. Patients with HFPEF have a substantial burden of co-morbidities and frailty. In addition there are marked geographic differences in HFPEF around the world. How these difference influence the association between BP and outcomes in HFPEF are unknown. The Global Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) Registry aims to assess the relevance of BP parameters, measured by ABPM, on the outcome of HFPEF patients worldwide. Additionally, the influence of other relevant factors such as frailty and co-morbidities will be assessed. Stable HFPEF patients with a previous hospitalization, will be included. Patients should be clinically and hemodynamically stable for at least 4 weeks before study inclusion. Specific data related to HF, biochemical markers, ECG and echocardiography will be collected. An ABPM and geriatric and frailty evaluation will be performed and the association with morbidity and mortality assessed. Follow up will be at least one year.
Journal of Human Hypertension
Several aspects of the indoor early childhood education (ECE) environment may be associated with physical activity (PA), including indoor areas. Modifying the indoor physical environment in classrooms could have significant potential to influence PA in young children. However, to our knowledge, PA promotion interventions involving changes to the ECE indoor physical environment have not been empirically implemented or monitored by accelerometry and direct observation. Therefore, the aims of this study were twofold: (a) to evaluate personal, social, and environmental correlates of moderate-vigorous PA (MVPA) in young children during indoor free play time; and (b) to assess the impact of incorporating a physical activity area in an indoor ECE environment on PA patterns during recess and the overall school day. Outcomes were measured at baseline, at 1 week post-intervention, and at 6 weeks’ follow-up. We studied contextual variables such as the presence of others, location, availability of equipment, and gender-based group interactions during indoor free play. It is notable that at 1-week post-intervention, both girls and boys increased their PA levels, but by the 6-week follow-up, the increase in MVPA was significantly higher in boys compared to girls, suggesting that our PA area is not benefitting girls to the same extent as their male counterparts. In addition, at all time points, boys spent more time during recess and overall in MVPA minutes than girls. MVPA is below the recommended levels for this age during the school day, the role of the indoor physical environment and context should be revised.
Early Childhood Education Journal
It is reported the case of a four-month-old puppy that was admitted to the consultation at the veterinary clinic «Vet Center», Bucaramanga, Colombia, due to a severe gastroenteric disturbance. The patient showed signs of depression, vomiting, dehydration, and fever. The haematological evaluation revealed slight anaemia, and the canine parvovirus test was positive. For the stabilization and treatment of the patient, an intravenous catheter was placed for the infusion of intravenous lactated Ringer’s solutions, antibiotics, antiemetics, and vitamins. In addition, a faecal microbiota transplant was performed as additional therapy after 12 hours of hospitalization, repeating at 12 hours, giving satisfactory results that are discussed in this clinical report.
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) requires treatment before disposal due to its high organic matter content. In this study, the electrical performance and wastewater treatment efficiency were evaluated for Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) treating unsterile POME with chemical oxygen demand (COD) from 200 to 10 000 mg/L. Since the inoculum type is a key factor in MFC performance, three types of sludge (methanogenic sludge (MS), facultative sludge (FS), and dry sludge (DS), obtained from the current POME treatment ponds were evaluated as inoculum. Dry sludge (DS) developed a maximum power output of 3.30 W/m3 by oxidizing 71% out of the COD provided by POME (1000 mg/L). Also, raw POME microbiota contributed to an enrichment of the community in DS inoculum along with the operation, in which Geobacter was the predominant genus reaching a current generation of 247 mA/m2 and a power density of 2.36 W/m3. Conversely, pure electrogenic (Shewanella sp.) inoculation led to a diversification process, resulting in a lower current generation of 52 mA/m2 and a power density of 0.10 W/m3. Consequently, microbial community dynamics revealed that MFC inoculation tends to a microbial equilibrium wherein generation of high current density was achieved by gradual microbial enrichment rather than external electrogenic invasion.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Modern hardening coatings, known as duplex coatings, are a combination of two types of surface treatment: preliminary ion nitriding of the substrate and subsequent deposition of a thin hardening film based on ceramic coatings. Nitriding is a process of diffusion saturation of the metal surface with a doping element (nitrogen from the gas phase). The key process parameters are the operating pressure and the temperature of the substrate, which determine the intensity of diffusion fluxes and the efficiency of processing. In this paper, we present a research of the influence of the pressure range (p1 = 1000 Pa, p2 = 400 Pa, and p3 = 200 Pa) in the nitriding process of high-speed steel substrates and the development of a temperature measurement system with ceramic insert made of aluminum nitride that enabled us to control the temperature during the process in the range 470 oC-570 oC. The results show that pressure should not exceed 200 Pa.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Zeolites are minerals with a wide application in the field of Petrochemicals, mainly as catalysts, in oil refining processes, but their structure and composition also make them good filter materials, for that reason they are used in oil refining processes. Water treatment, when an oil well is exploited, a large amount of water is obtained from the reservoir, known as production water, which is treated and reused in injection processes in the same reservoir, the water from production, contains a high amount of organic compounds, which in many cases prevent an adequate implementation of treatments in the wells, which is why a removal of these organic molecules must be made, in this research, the synthetic zeolite clinoptilolite-Na is used, as a filtration system for organic compounds, using methylene blue as a reference, with which retentions were obtained up to 90%.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
One of the greatest challenges for petrochemical industry is corrosion prevention, mitigation and control, a phenomenon that generates a high negative impact due to materials degradation and that in recent years has increased as a result of multiphase fluids processing. Thus, there are different mechanisms of damage by internal corrosion that are generated during transport of multiphase fluids with high content of corrosive agents such as carbon dioxide, solid particles and sediments increased because of transport conditions. The technique Tite Liner was used for maintenance and repair of a Colombian oil pipeline with severe integrity problems. Equally, design and tuning of physical and chemical properties of the coating material was carried out, since they remained unchanged during thermofusion welding process, the initial compression for insertion in the system, the subsequent expansion to fit the pipeline internal dimensions and the system start up at high pressure. The experimental analysis displayed an improvement in the operational conditions of the line. This led to a decrease in the operating expenses of the pipeline, directing those assets in the physical recovery of other industrial equipment inherent to the hydrocarbon transportation process.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Predictive statistical models are widely used in research development to represent linear and non–linear trends that occur in natural phenomena, generally associating the effect caused by multiple adjustable parameters on measurable experimental results. One of the greatest benefits of these models is their application in predictive analysis, since this allows to facilitate decision–making at industrial level in short time, and therefore they are widely used in sectors such as petrochemical industry. In this field, predictive statistical models are generated from experimental results for dependent variables such as materials corrosion rate. In these cases, the models are established based on dependent variables such as: chemical composition of corrosive medium; exposure time; system temperature and type of exposed material, among others. For this reason, in present investigation a statistical model was determined for corrosion rate of AISI 316 steel exposed to a Colombian heavy crude oil as a function of system temperature and exposure time. Development of this statistical model allows its industrial implementation as a tool for prediction of AISI 316 steel sulfidic corrosion rate in a transfer line used for heavy crude oil refining in temperature and exposure time ranges commonly present in distillation units.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Introduction: Frailty in older adults is a public health challenge and a priority, given its effects on the functional decline of individuals. Several factors account for its occurrence, including individual aspects. Purpose: To determine frailty levels and their association with sociodemographic characteristics in non-institutionalized older adults. Method: A crosssectional study was conducted on a sample consisting of 2 374 non-institutionalized adults older than 60 years from the Caribbean region of Colombia. The subjects were selected using probabilistic methods; patients with physical and mental disabilities were excluded. The frailty levels were determined based on the five criteria proposed by Fried. Results: The average age of the subjects was 72.2 ± 7.3 years, and the frailty frequency was 20.2 % among women and 25.1 % among men. Sex and age were found to be associated with frailty levels (p < 0.05). The risk of frailty was lower in women than in men (OR =0.54; CI 95 %=0.41-0.71). Subjects older than 85 years showed a frailty risk 1.95-fold higher than that of the younger subjects. (OR = 1.95; CI 95 %=1.3-2.92). Conclusion: A high frequency of frailty was found in older adults, with a significant percentage of pre-frail subjects. Identifying frailty is essential for decisionmaking and individualization of a treatment since it is closely related to adverse health events.
Gaceta Medica de Caracas
Introduction: In teaching-learning processes, professors must continually reflect on the strategies applied directly in the classroom. The effect of methodologies such as problem-based learning, project-based learning, technology-supported simulations, among others, has been studied in comparison with traditional methodologies. Objective: To describe the strengths of project-based learning as an educational strategy in the context of health sciences. Development: The teaching-learning process of health sciences requires dynamic strategies that allow the articulation of the acquired knowledge, with a practical vision of disciplines in a context based on problem solving and critical thinking. Project-based learning is highlighted as a methodology that requires active, investigative and reflective participation to solve a problem; thus, knowledge is the consequence of discussion, argumentation and decision-making, which imply the construction of such a solution. Conclusions: Project-based learning can introduce improvements and changes with respect to traditional strategies, by promoting motivation, collaborative work, as well as knowledge acquisition and consolidation in students. Likewise, it is a methodology based on student self-training and strengthening their capacity for oral and written expression, as well as time planning, thus facilitating the formation and participation in interdisciplinary teams, essential competences for an ideal performance of health professionals.
Revista Cubana de Educacion Medica Superior
Trypanosomatid infections are an important public health threat affecting many low-income countries across the tropics, particularly in the Americas. Trypanosomatids can infect many vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant species and play an important role as human pathogens. Among these clinically relevant pathogens are species from the genera Leishmania and Trypanosoma. Mixed trypanosomatid infections remain a largely unexplored phenomenon. Herein, we describe the application of an amplicon-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay to detect and identify trypanosomatid species in mammalian reservoirs, human patients, and sand fly vectors throughout regions of Leishmania endemicity. Sixty-five samples from different departments of Colombia, including two samples from Venezuela, were analyzed: 49 samples from cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) patients, 8 from sand flies, 2 from domestic reservoirs (Canis familiaris), and 6 from wild reservoirs (Phyllostomus hastatus). DNA from each sample served to identify the presence of trypanosomatids through conventional PCR using heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene as the target. PCR products underwent sequencing by Sanger sequencing and NGS, and trypanosomatid species were identified by using BLASTn against a reference database built from trypanosomatid-derived HSP70 sequences. The alpha and beta diversity indexes of amplicon sequence variants were calculated for each group. The results revealed the presence of mixed infections with more than two Leishmania species in 34% of CL samples analyzed. Trypanosoma cruzi was identified in samples from wild reservoirs, as well as in sand fly vectors. Coinfection events with three different Leishmania species were identified in domestic reservoirs. These findings depose the traditional paradigm of leishmaniasis as being a single-species- driven infection and redraw the choreography of host-pathogen interaction in the context of multiparasitism. Further research is needed to decipher how coinfections may influence disease progression. This knowledge is key to developing an integrated approach for diagnosis and treatment.
Microbiology Spectrum
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) was the pathogen responsible for the highest number of deaths from infectious diseases in the world, before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has contributed to the understanding of genetic diversity, the mechanisms involved in drug resistance and the transmission dynamics of this pathogen. The object of this study is to use WGS for the epidemiological and molecular characterization of M. tuberculosis clinical strains from Chinchiná, Caldas, a small town in Colombia with a high incidence of TB. Sputum samples were obtained during the first semester of 2020 from six patients and cultured in solid Löwenstein-Jensen medium. DNA extraction was obtained from positive culture samples and WGS was performed with the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform for subsequent bioinformatic analysis. M. tuberculosis isolates were typified as Euro-American lineage 4 with a predominance of the Harlem and LAM sublineages. All samples were proven sensitive to antituberculosis drugs by genomic analysis, although no phenotype antimicrobial tests were performed on the samples, unreported mutations were identified that could require further analysis. The present study provides preliminary data for the construction of a genomic database line and the follow-up of lineages in this region.
Background: In randomised controlled trials, fixed-dose combination treatments (or polypills) have been shown to reduce a composite of cardiovascular disease outcomes in primary prevention. However, whether or not aspirin should be included, effects on specific outcomes, and effects in key subgroups are unknown. Methods: We did an individual participant data meta-analysis of large randomised controlled trials (each with ≥1000 participants and ≥2 years of follow-up) of a fixed-dose combination treatment strategy versus control in a primary cardiovascular disease prevention population. We included trials that evaluated a fixed-dose combination strategy of at least two blood pressure lowering agents plus a statin (with or without aspirin), compared with a control strategy (either placebo or usual care). The primary outcome was time to first occurrence of a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or arterial revascularisation. Additional outcomes included individual cardiovascular outcomes and death from any cause. Outcomes were also evaluated in groups stratified by the inclusion of aspirin in the fixed-dose treatment strategy, and effect sizes were estimated in prespecified subgroups based on risk factors. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to compare strategies. Findings: Three large randomised trials were included in the analysis (TIPS-3, HOPE-3, and PolyIran), with a total of 18 162 participants. Mean age was 63·0 years (SD 7·1), and 9038 (49·8%) participants were female. Estimated 10-year cardiovascular disease risk for the population was 17·7% (8·7). During a median follow-up of 5 years, the primary outcome occurred in 276 (3·0%) participants in the fixed-dose combination strategy group compared with 445 (4·9%) in the control group (hazard ratio 0·62, 95% CI 0·53–0·73, p<0·0001). Reductions were also observed for the separate components of the primary outcome: myocardial infarction (0·52, 0·38–0·70), revascularisation (0·54, 0·36–0·80), stroke (0·59, 0·45–0·78), and cardiovascular death (0·65, 0·52–0·81). Significant reductions in the primary outcome and its components were observed in the analyses of fixed-dose combination strategies with and without aspirin, with greater reductions for strategies including aspirin. Treatment effects were similar at different lipid and blood pressure levels, and in the presence or absence of diabetes, smoking, or obesity. Gastrointestinal bleeding was uncommon but slightly more frequent in the fixed-dose combination strategy with aspirin group versus control (19 [0·4%] vs 11 [0·2%], p=0·15). The frequencies of haemorrhagic stroke (10 [0·2%] vs 15 [0·3%]), fatal bleeding (two [<0·1%] vs four [0·1%]), and peptic ulcer disease (32 [0·7%] vs 34 [0·8%]) were low and did not differ significantly between groups. Dizziness was more common with fixed-dose combination treatment (1060 [11·7%] vs 834 [9·2%], p<0·0001). Interpretation: Fixed-dose combination treatment strategies substantially reduce cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, revascularisation, and cardiovascular death in primary cardiovascular disease prevention. These benefits are consistent irrespective of cardiometabolic risk factors. Funding: Population Health Research Institute.
The Lancet
Feline scabies is a disease that is caused by Notoedres cati, a sarcoptic mite that injures the skin tissue. The present clinical case relates a notoedric scabies in a domestic cat, clinical observations, diagnostic test, and treatment. A 4-year-old male neutered domestic short haired cat was brought at a veterinary clinic. Alopecia, erythema, scales, crusts and hyperkeratosis were observed on the head, and pinnae and malodorous from lesions were observed in dermatological examination. Deep skin scrapings were collected. Microscopic examination revealed adult live mites presence. Based on the morphology, the mites isolated were identified as Notoedres cati. Ivermectin oral capsules (300μg/kg), repeat dose at 14 days. Bath with chlorhexidine and Benzoyl peroxide every 5 days for two months were applied. Moreover, multivitamin complexes were supplied daily, orally. An immunostimulant 1mL/10kg. IM, again applied two days. A clinical improvement in the cat was observed after administered this treatment. The present study reports notoedric mange in a domestic short haired cat in Colombia. The application of ivermectin with supportive therapy was useful in the treatment of notoedric scabies in this cat. The application of products other than ivermectin showed positive clinical observations in the recovery of this patient with feline scabies.
International Journal of Veterinary Science
Soil compaction causes negative effects on crop yield and its mechanical response analysis has recently gained relevance for research through numerical methods. In this work, Finite Element Method (FEM) using the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) and Hardening Soil (HS) constitutive models were employed to simulate the mechanical response of a Vertisol agricultural soil. First, an experimental study of the unconsolidated-undrained (UU) triaxial compression test with different moisture contents (w = 10%, 20% and 34%) and confining pressures (σ3 = σc = 0.05 MPa, 0.10 MPa and 0.15 MPa) was carried out, to obtain the shear strength parameters cohesion (c) and friction angle (φ), as well as the Young’s modulus (E) of the soil. The experimental study was conducted through a 32 factorial design with three replicates that it was used to evaluate the influence of the w and σc on E of the studied soil. Also, an analysis of the behavior of the φ and c parameters at each w was performed. Numerical simulations were done with similar conditions as the experimental tests with respect to loading and boundary conditions. A comparison of the mechanical response between numerical results and physical experiments was carried out. As a result, the MC model allowed to estimate satisfactorily the stress-strain relationship of the soil for w of 10% and 20%, while HS model exhibited a better approximation for w of 34% in comparison with the MC model. Finally, the methodology and the adjusted parameters of the agricultural soil obtained in this work, can be used in the study of soil compaction produced by the agricultural machinery.
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research
Using highly specific antisera, the neuroanatomical distribution of folic acid (FA) and retinoic acid (RA) has been studied for the first time in the children brainstem. Neither immunoreactive structures containing RA nor immunoreactive fibers containing FA were found. FA-immunoreactive perikarya (fusiform, small/medium in size, one short dendrite) were only found in the pons in three regions: central gray, reticular formation, and locus coeruleus. The number of cell bodies decreased with age. In the first case studied (2 years), a moderate density of cell bodies was observed in the central gray and reticular formation, whereas a low density was found in the locus coeruleus. In the second case (6 years), a low density of these perikarya was observed in the central gray, reticular formation, and locus coeruleus. In the third case (7 years), a low density of FA-immunoreactive cell bodies was found in the central gray and reticular formation, whereas in the locus coeruleus no immunoreactive cell bodies were observed. The distribution of FA in the central nervous system of humans and monkeys is different and, in addition, in these species the vitamin was located in different parts of the nerve cells. The restricted distribution of FA suggests that the vitamin is involved in specific physiological mechanisms.
Anatomy and Cell Biology
Decades ago, we and many other groups showed a nucleo-cytoplasmic translocation of La protein in cultured cells. This shuttling of La protein was seen after UV irradiation, virus infections, hydrogen peroxide exposure and the Fenton reaction based on iron or copper ions. All of these conditions are somehow related to oxidative stress. Unfortunately, these harsh conditions could also cause an artificial release of La protein. Even until today, the shuttling and the cytoplasmic function of La/SS-B is controversially discussed. Moreover, the driving mechanism for the shuttling of La protein remains unclear. Recently, we showed that La protein undergoes redox-dependent conformational changes. Moreover, we developed anti-La monoclonal antibodies (anti-La mAbs), which are specific for either the reduced form of La protein or the oxidized form. Using these tools, here we show that redox-dependent conformational changes are the driving force for the shuttling of La protein. Moreover, we show that translocation of La protein to the cytoplasm can be triggered in a ligand/receptor-dependent manner under physiological conditions. We show that ligands of toll-like receptors lead to a redox-dependent shuttling of La protein. The shuttling of La protein depends on the redox status of the respective cell type. Endothelial cells are usually resistant to the shuttling of La protein, while dendritic cells are highly sensitive. However, the deprivation of intracellular reducing agents in endothelial cells makes endothelial cells sensitive to a redox-dependent shuttling of La protein.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mycorrhizal associations are acknowledged as key components of global ecosystem functioning. This is especially relevant in the context of global change, since they contribute to the amelioration of adverse soil conditions and play crucial roles in agriculture. Generally speaking, the lay public is uninformed on the importance of mycorrhizal fungi and symbiosis to our planet. Therefore, mycorrhizal scientific outreach activities are of paramount importance in order to bridge the aforementioned gap. We think that informing people about the benefits of mycorrhizal fungi and symbiosis in the face of global change, will raise general awareness of relevant research and aid conservation efforts. Summary: Science outreach has become a particularly important duty in shortening the knowledge gap between scientists and the public, in order to strengthen societal decision-making power in the global change crisis. Mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizal symbioses are key components of terrestrial ecosystems that contribute significantly to endure and reduce certain negative global change effects. Their importance has been gaining recognition in academic circles, but not among the general public. The aim of this article is to encourage as many mycorrhizal fungi researchers around the world as possible to build, through science outreach, a bridge between their scientific work and public interest. To this end, we conducted a review and discussed the relationship between global change and the mycorrhizal symbiosis. We highlight potential audiences, tools, resources, activities, outreach models, pros and cons, as well as the quantification potential for the outreach activities success. We extend an invitation to all mycorrhizologists around the world to contribute with mycorrhizal outreach material. Contributions will become available on the South American Mycorrhizal Research Network website for individuals or organizations interested in starting or innovating in mycorrhizal science outreach activities. Finally, the hashtag #mycorrhizalscienceoutreach is proposed to be used whenever a mycorrhizal fungi-related science outreach activity is shared in social media.
Plants People Planet
The present study reports the trypanocidal and cardioprotective properties of fractions derived from Lippia alba (Verbenaceae family) essential oils (EOs), in a murine model of chronic Chagas disease (ChD). This infection represents one of the most serious public health problems in Latin American countries, without an effective therapy for chronic infection and its eventual cardiac complications. In the model established herein, the therapeutic scheme which involved 30 oral and daily doses of OxiLim (a mix composed by fractions enriched in citral, caryophyllene oxide, and limonene) was not toxic and exhibited trypanocidal activity comparable to benznidazole (assessed by parasitic DNA quantification - qPCR); but with an additional protective effects against cardiomyopathy progression. This last finding was confirmed by both echocardiography (reduction in the maximum diameter of the cardiac silhouette), and heart histopathology (tissue recovery, abundant fibroblasts, and mild separation of cardiac fibers). Conversely, rats treated only with benznidazole showed a significant increase in cardiac diameter with severe fiber dilation, angiogenesis, and high diversity of immune infiltrate. This research reports a highly trypanocidal (similar to benznidazole) therapeutic scheme based on L. alba essential oil fractions (OxiLim), which also exhibits a positive cardioprotective effect in the course of chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy, in rats.
Industrial Crops and Products
Background: As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, the fear of infection increases and, with it, the stigma-discrimination, which makes it an additional problem of the epidemic. However, studies about stigma associated with coronavirus are scarce worldwide. Aims: To determine the association between stigmatisation and fear of COVID-19 in the general population of Colombia. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out. A total of 1,687 adults between 18 and 76 years old (M = 36.3; SD = 12.5), 41.1% health workers, filled out an online questionnaire on Stigma-Discrimination and the COVID-5 Fear Scale, adapted by the research team. Results: The proportion of high fear of COVID-19 was 34.1%; When comparing the affirmative answers to the questionnaire on stigma-discrimination towards COVID-19, it was found that the difference was significantly higher in the general population compared to health workers in most of the questions evaluated, which indicates a high level of stigmatisation in that group. An association between high fear of COVID-19 and stigma was evidenced in 63.6% of the questions in the questionnaire. Conclusion: Stigma-discrimination towards COVID-19 is frequent in the Colombian population and is associated with high levels of fear towards said disease, mainly people who are not health workers.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Blastocystis is frequently reported in fecal samples from animals and humans worldwide, and a variety of subtypes (STs) have been observed in wild and domestic animals. In Colombia, few studies have focused on the transmission dynamics and epidemiological importance of Blastocystis in animals. In this study, we characterized the frequency and subtypes of Blastocystis in fecal samples of domestic animals including pigs, minipigs, cows, dogs, horses, goats, sheep, and llama from three departments of Colombia. Of the 118 fecal samples included in this study 81.4% (n = 96) were positive for Blastocystis using a PCR that amplifies a fragment of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene. PCR positive samples were sequenced by next generation amplicon sequencing (NGS) to determine subtypes. Eleven subtypes were detected, ten previously reported, ST5 (50.7%), ST10 (47.8%), ST25 (34.3%), ST26 (29.8%), ST21 (22.4%), ST23 (22.4%), ST1 (17.9%), ST14 (16.4%), ST24 (14.9%), ST3 (7.5%), and a novel subtype, named ST32 (3.0%). Mixed infection and/or intra -subtype variations were identified in most of the samples. Novel ST32 was observed in two samples from a goat and a cow. To support novel subtype designation, a MinION based sequencing strategy was used to generate the full-length of the SSU rRNA gene. Comparison of full-length nucleotide sequences with those from current valid subtypes supported the designation of ST32. This is the first study in Colombia using NGS to molecularly characterize subtypes of Blastocystis in farm animals. A great diversity of subtypes was observed in domestic animals including subtypes previously identified in humans. Additionally, subtype overlap between the different hosts examined in this study were observed. These findings highlight the presence of Blastocystis subtypes with zoonotic potential in farm animals indicating that farm animals could play a role in transmission to humans.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Aims: Rosuvastatin (10 mg per day) compared with placebo reduced major adverse cardiovascular (CV) events by 24% in 12 705 participants at intermediate CV risk after 5.6 years. There was no benefit of blood pressure (BP) lowering treatment in the overall group, but a reduction in events in the third of participants with elevated systolic BP. After cessation of all the trial medications, we examined whether the benefits observed during the active treatment phase were sustained, enhanced, or attenuated. Methods and results: After the randomized treatment period (5.6 years), participants were invited to participate in 3.1 further years of observation (total 8.7 years). The first co-primary outcome for the entire length of follow-up was the composite of myocardial infarction, stroke, or CV death [major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE)-1], and the second was MACE-1 plus resuscitated cardiac arrest, heart failure, or coronary revascularization (MACE-2). In total, 9326 (78%) of 11 994 surviving Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE)-3 subjects consented to participate in extended follow-up. During 3.1 years of post-trial observation (total follow-up of 8.7 years), participants originally randomized to rosuvastatin compared with placebo had a 20% additional reduction in MACE-1 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.64-0.99] and a 17% additional reduction in MACE-2 (95% CI 0.68-1.01). Therefore, over the 8.7 years of follow-up, there was a 21% reduction in MACE-1 (95% CI 0.69-0.90, P = 0.005) and 21% reduction in MACE-2 (95% CI 0.69-0.89, P = 0.002). There was no benefit of BP lowering in the overall study either during the active or post-trial observation period, however, a 24% reduction in MACE-1 was observed over 8.7 years. Conclusion: The CV benefits of rosuvastatin, and BP lowering in those with elevated systolic BP, compared with placebo continue to accrue for at least 3 years after cessation of randomized treatment in individuals without cardiovascular disease indicating a legacy effect. Trial Registration Number: NCT00468923.
European Heart Journal
Universidad de Santander UDES. Vigilada Mineducación.
Resolución otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional: No. 6216 del 22 de diciembre de 2005 / Personería Jurídica 810 de 12/03/96.
Institución sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución 12220 de 2016.
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